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Product Licensing

Farshad Mohajeri

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Dear developers,


First of all thanks for your support. I appreciate it a lot. Until now uniGUI was distributed as a completely free product. Of course, Ext JS is not free so you need to get a license for it.  Since uniGUI is a product based on Ext JS library it is obvious that it can't stay as a free product forever.


Let's consider our licensing options:


1) Free / hobbyist / non-profit version


This could be an option for hobbyist non-profit usage but since Ext JS doesn't provide such an option it is not possible for uniGUI to have such an option. Even if we deploy a restricted version of uniGUI for free usage you'll need to purchase an Ext JS license for your projects. Which means your investment will be at least 329USD per developer.


Conclusion: There will be no free version of uniGUI.


2) Low cost restricted version


Again there is no low cost version of Ext JS so deploying a low cost version of uniGUI doesn't make sense. You'll pay for a restricted low cost version of uniGUI while you need to pay for a full version of Ext JS.


Conclusion: There will be no low cost version of uniGUI.


3) Standard version (Without source)


This will be the standard version for uniGUI. You'll get the Ext JS license separately (Combined in future). You will receive a DCU only package. More or less like something we currently distribute as beta.


4) Pro version (With source)


Same as Pro but will include source code (Full or partial). It may also include some additional tools.


5) Source code sold as a separate product


This can be another option.


6) Premium Support Pack.


An option for those who need to receive direct support.


With version 0.94 or 0.95 the above picture will become more neat.


Soon we will stop distributing the free betas. This will happen with version 0.94 or 0.95. Then you will be able to purchase uniGUI beta licenses when product is still beta but close to release. Beta licenses will be sold with some discount and will be cheaper than the release. Again Ext JS license will be at same price.


I'm sharing this info to let you know that if you plan to choose uniGUI as a long term partner you will need to purchase a license in near future. I'm sure that will not be an issue for many of you because you already develop commercial web apps. From very beginning it was obvious that uniGUI will not be always free because even if I'd distributed it as completely free Ext JS license would prohibit a free usage of the framework.


In future releases, an OEM license of Ext JS will be included so you will not be forced to purchase it from Sencha.


I'm ready to hear from you about other licensing options.



Farshad Mohajeri

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Sounds good.

Any discounts will be? Something like

Thanks for your comment.


I have some plans to start selling support packs soon.


With support packs you'll be able purchase credits to receive direct support from us.


The amount you pay for support will not vanish when all of your credits are spent. We will count it as pre-payment for the commercial version. So if you spent 500USD to purchase support credits you'll receive at least 500USD of discount when you purchase commercial version.


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My ideas w/slight modifications



- Standard version (Without source)

This will be the standard version for uniGUI. You'll get the Ext JS license separately (Combined in future). You will receive a DCU only package. More or less like something we currently distribute as beta.


- Pro version (without source)

 include some additional tools and several incident support pack (ie. 2 premium incidents)


- Source code sold as a separate product

This can be another option.


- Premium Support Pack.

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My ideas w/slight modifications



- Standard version (Without source)

This will be the standard version for uniGUI. You'll get the Ext JS license separately (Combined in future). You will receive a DCU only package. More or less like something we currently distribute as beta.


- Pro version (without source)

 include some additional tools and several incident support pack (ie. 2 premium incidents)


- Source code sold as a separate product

This can be another option.


- Premium Support Pack.


I agree.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I agree!
1) standard
2) pro (with sources)
And I suggest, an option to pay monthly (or annual) to be eligible for upgrades and premium support.



1) standard
2) pro (with sources)
3) Pay Annual for upgrades and  support.
4) If not pay annual, discount to upgrades
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I Agree


My ideas w/slight modifications



- Standard version (Without source)

This will be the standard version for uniGUI. You'll get the Ext JS license separately (Combined in future). You will receive a DCU only package. More or less like something we currently distribute as beta.


- Pro version (without source)

 include some additional tools and several incident support pack (ie. 2 premium incidents)


- Source code sold as a separate product

This can be another option.


- Premium Support Pack.

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It's all ok.

Consider also:


- Support per incident/help (tickets) as specific support in addition to the forum


and ...


I hope that you, Farshad, or somebody else, in next future, will produce extra enhanced components. These  are very useful in RAD. Customers want applications that cost less and less but, at the same time, with good performance and a good lookDevelopers prefer to buy ready-made components rather than wasting time to build them.

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3) Standard Version (GPLv3)

4) Pro Version - level support pack


I think to really sale UNIGUI to Embracadero like FastReport FIerMonkey ANyDac. All this products included in Delphi now and Embracadero pay developers for support and writing.


I think this is easy and direct
way to money.


For developers who help check errors i think need some discount :(



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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning,
I wish every success to Unigui, I join the mailing list forever, and I hope to do many projects using Unigui.

If I develop a project using Unigui beta, and provide the source code to my client, so I really need to buy the license of Ext JS 4?

Thank you.
Janderson Henrique
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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  • 2 weeks later...

every code has bugs;  and no code can be used in each situation...


!!!!   FULL source code is a MUST HAVE  !!!!


if you get problems with libraries and you can't fix them, so only a few days of workaround can result in thousands of dollars lost

I will not buy libraries, where parts of them are black boxes

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