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Everything posted by maher

  1. Hello... Finally it works..... used findPlugin not getPlugin Thank you.
  2. Hello... with UniDBGrid1, UniDBGrid1.JSInterface do begin DataSource.DataSet.First; while not DataSource.DataSet.Eof do begin JSCode('if ('+ JSName +'.findPlugin("rowwidget").recordsExpanded['+ DataSource.DataSet.RecNo.ToString +']) {'+ JSName +'.findPlugin("rowwidget").toggleRow('+ (DataSource.DataSet.RecNo-1).ToString +', '+ JSName +'.getStore().data.items['+ (DataSource.DataSet.RecNo-1).ToString +'])};'); DataSource.DataSet.Next; end; end;
  3. Hello, I tried to search the forum but did not find an answer to above question. Thank you,
  4. Hello, 1 - We use this code to Expand /Collapse Raw Widget while not qrySrv.Eof do begin with grdSrv, JSInterface do begin JSCall('getPlugin().toggleRow',[qrySrv.RecNo-1, JSStatement(JSName+'.getStore().data.items['+IntToStr(qrySrv.RecNo-1)+']')]) end; qrySrv.Next; end; But this code will Expand a collapsed row and Collapse expanded row !!! How I can Expand all rows / Collapse all rows , I mean how I can check the if the row is Expanded/Collapsed Like while not qrySrv.Eof do begin with grdSrv, JSInterface do begin if (RowIsExpand and OpIsCollapse***) or (RowIsCollapse and OpIsExpand***) then JSCall('getPlugin().toggleRow',[qrySrv.RecNo-1, JSStatement(JSName+'.getStore().data.items['+IntToStr(qrySrv.RecNo-1)+']')]) end; qrySrv.Next; end; TAHNX
  5. رمضان مبارك يتقبل الله صالح اعمال
  6. كل عـام و أنتم بخيـر
  7. Farshad hello, I have many forms in my app and in one form I need to use a table/query to display certain data to the user, I may put the table/query on the form directly and I may also put the table/query on the MainModule. Could you explain the difference between two approaches, from the view of server side (memory)? Thank you
  8. رمضان كريم
  9. maher

    Multiple forms

    +1 And i suggest a property in MainModule {ShowingLoginForm := false/True}
  10. try this if TUniGUISession(ASession).UniApplication.Parameters.Values['OP'] = 'xxx' then begin ...... Handled := true; end else begin ...... Handled := false; end
  11. عيد اضحى مبارك وسعيد وكل عام وانتم بخير - Eid Mubarak.
  12. On DM unit : {$IFNDEF WebApp} DM: TDM; {$ENDIF}
  13. It's Ok Now TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Cookies
  14. Hi, I tried to user UniApplication.Cookies.Values in MainModule.Create , but the UniApplication Calss not have a Cookies . Thanx
  15. Hi, I used TsiLang it's working fine with unigui .
  16. procedure TUniMainModule.GoMainMenu; var I:integer; begin // Close all forms but not the mainForm. for I := UniSession.FormsList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin try if(TUniForm(UniSession.FormsList.Items[I]).Name <> 'MainForm') then TUniForm(UniSession.FormsList.Items[I]).Close; finally end; end;
  17. Hi, In log file an error : The system try to find a files ...... [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: ...\root\apple-touch-icon.png but we did not use this file.
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