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  3. Hello ! Can I change runtime the title of the UniCalendarPanel ? Something like : procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniCalendarPanel1.Title:='a new title'; end; I am testing -without success- with uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CalendarPanel and v.
  4. Yes. 1. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> afterrender The main modified code (if you analyze it, you can simplify the code even more)... ariaSelectable: a.ariaSelectable//, //width: parts.length * 150 2. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.UniEvents -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.store.cmp = sender; } 3. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { var parts; this.each(function(record) { var val = record.get('val'); parts = val.split(' - '); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { record.set('field' + (i + 1), parts[i]); } }); if (parts.length > 0) { this.cmp.getPicker().setWidth(200 * parts.length) } else { //this.cmp.getPicker().setWidth(150) } }
  5. "With some modifications"... 🙂 Ok, Sherzod. Please share the source code or the example. I wait for it. Thanks
  6. Almost the same code, with some modifications. I will post later.
  7. Sherzod Why does UniAreaSeries not have a SeriesLabel property? Without a SeriesLabel property we cannot enable/disable labels on area series charts?
  8. Using the component as indicated above, and setting remotequery=true and remotefilter=true I get nothing in the popup and clearly in the editor. Am I doing something wrong? What should I return to at this point from the events? (Another quick example is welcome) Thanks
  9. Добрый день! Я попробую проанализировать Ваш случай.
  10. Добрый день! Если кто знает как решить этот вопрос, прошу написать, заказчик требует данный функционал.
  11. Last week
  12. How do you scroll? By clicking the "up/down buttons" or by clicking on the empty space of the scrollbar?
  13. function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { // For the value zero you can also apply the condition... config.axes[0].renderer = function(axis, label, layoutContext) { return (label<=10) ? Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#.00") : Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#") }; }
  14. So can one modify the code above to include an if statement so that it uses Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#.00"); for values<=10 and Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#"); for values>10 Can you please give an example of the syntax?
  15. Hello, I think you can use conditions here, for "label":
  16. Sherzod I'm using the following code to set integer values (without any decimal) on the Y-axis of a UniChart. UniChart.UniEvents-> Ext.Chart.Cartesianchart-> function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.axes[0].renderer = function(axis, label, layoutContext) { return Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#") } } Then I get integer values on the left hand side of the graph, which is what I want for large values: But I want to be able to dynamically change the number of decimals on the Y-axis (for smaller values the chart should use decimals e.g. 0.43 and for large values no decimals e.g. 7000) How can I do that? Is there any way that I can execute the above code using JSInterface.JSCall as to change the number of decimals at runtime?
  17. Good afternoon, and what would it be like at the end?
  18. Hi Sherzod, your example works. Thanks! But let's move on. To give a real example, I need to do the lookup on the table of Italian cities (about 10000 records). If I open the list from the button, I have to wait several seconds for the entire list to appear (too long). Only then can I search and it works fine. (This means that a store is created on the client side. Why not make it public and then use it as a component for CRUD, grids and other lookups?) But if I carry out a search WITHOUT first opening the entire list, the component works very badly, not refreshing the searched data. Therefore, on tables with several records, it is necessary to use remote Query. And in this case everything we said above DOES NOT work. Unfortunately we didn't find the solution 🙂 Thanks a lot
  19. Then I don't know, need to investigate.
  20. Sorry, but please read the license agreement. From your words it is not clear who bought the license, who installed it, and what relation do you have to all this !?
  21. Hello, What do you mean? Scrolling step or?
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