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  1. Today
  2. Thanks, There are several similar posts on the forum. I will also try to analyze again.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Интересно, что-нибудь улучшено/исправлено за 3.5 года?
  5. особенно, если учесть, что мобильньіе компонентьі вообще не развиваются
  6. ну ок, а смьісл?
  7. И на десктопе открывается мобильная версия.
  8. странно, зачем тогда Desktop?
  9. Это для мобильной версии.
  10. i launch 500 sessions on server farm : master server as ISAPI dll in IIS and slave server as Windows service. The configuration is the same for the 2 servers : The slave server uses all 25 nodes. Why does the master use only 17 nodes ? Why the master server suspend nodes with actives sessions ? (idem for the slave server but not so much)
  11. десктоп тема классическая закоментировал загрузку настроек поменял на mtBig перекомпилировал и запустил - изменений нет потом все то же самое только с mtNormal - изменений нет 1я картинка - normal 2я картинка - big
  12. Шрифты, значки же меняются, нет?
  13. Добрый день! procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UnimDBListGrid1.JSInterface.JSConfig('emptyText', ['<b>Н</b>ет записей...']); end;
  14. Можно как-то показать какой-нибудь текст, когда нет записей (строк) в TunimDBListGrid?
  15. OK. Currently we migrate our uniGUI application with a Professional Edition 1.90.0 build 1568. For upgrading to the last version what is the price ? Can you give us improvements between these 2 versions about distribution sessions in a uniform way among servers ? In fact we can't test with the Stress Test Tool & the lastest trial version because a session duration is limited upto 5 minutes.
  16. OK. In the Ressources column for nodes i understand the meaning of Process but what does Memory mean ? And which is the most important to monitor ? A node is 32-bits uniGUI application (and also the hyper_server used)
  17. Так и должно бьіть, что свойство ModernToolkitModes.Desktop вообще не влияет на внешний вид приложения?
  18. Hello, Can you attach a screenshot indicating what exactly?
  19. Good Night, How can I ? : 1. Remove the edges of a tuniform ? 2. Round the edges of a tuniform ? Thank you
  20. If you can pay close attention to the previous post, you will find that fsBaseLibrary.pas+fsugButton. pas can perfectly solve the problem you mentioned
  21. Last week
  22. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand(ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (ARequestInfo.CommandType = hcGET) and (ARequestInfo.URI = '/admin') then begin AResponseInfo.Redirect('/?form=Admin'); Handled := True; end; end;
  23. How could I put lines in this updateRule logic ? Procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''.x-myfield-focus'', ''background-color'', ''#ffcccc'')'); // As ? Add('background-image: none; '); End;
  24. I'm trying to use this way but it doesn't work with dbgrid, I wanted to save the order of the columns, is there any way?
  25. Hello, http://somedomain.com is for end users (no login required, and no login button displayed here) http://somedomain.com/admin is for administrators (login required) Anybody have done this before?
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