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  2. Thank you, works as expected.
  3. Hi Fred, I cannot see your demo; library path is different on my pc so it don't works. I have questions on this application: 1) Is possibile to apply several sign on the same document? 2) Is possible to automate signing of several documents in "batch"? 3) Is possibile to sign in a defined rectangle area (X,y,z) ? I'm thinking of an application that can allow multiple signatures to be placed on the same document on multiple pages, for example a contract with joint signature (husband and wife, for example) Do you think it's the right tool? Thanks!
  4. Hello, Can you please explain in more detail?
  5. Thank you, working fine again
  6. I have a stringgrid with data in each row. I also have a additional list of hints for each row in the grid. I'd like to show a hint for the corresponding row in the grid as I hover over. Maybe somehow incorporating it into the TrackOver property. Thank You, Ed
  7. I'm having this problem too, and I noticed that if I'm in the mainform and I close the browser, no "TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeDestroy", "TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBrowserClose", "TMainForm.UniFormClose", "TMainForm.UniFormDestroy" events are executed, how do I close the Timer that I have in the "MainForm"?? Now, if I am on the login screen, the events "TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeDestroy", "TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBrowserClose" are fired.
  8. Date: 16/09/2024 11:15:04 - Message: Config Option: OCE98->deferredRender:false<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. Date: 16/09/2024 11:15:05 Message: Config Option: OCF15->fields:[]<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.
  9. Sure, could you advise how to avoid these cases, it's an error that I don't know how to simulate, I have no idea how it happens.
  10. This error appears in the logs every day, but I have no idea what it could be. Message: Config Option: O5B69->tabIndex:236<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.
  11. thanks @Sherzod ok. that work. attach is the final test for sending ajaxRequest any where in the unit to any Object in the project. first the global function DoRunajaxRequest function DoRunajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, Params) { ajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, Params,); } to send ajaxRequest to some uniButtonXXX send : JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('DoRunajaxRequest', [UniButtonXXX.JSMainControl, 'FocusOnRowNo', JSInterface.JSObject([ 'recNo', IntToStr(CurRow), 'ClientCode', IntToStr(ClientCode), 'ProjectCode', IntToStr(ProjectCode), 'MemberCode', IntToStr(MemberCode) ]) ]); to send ajaxRequest to some mainForm send : JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('DoRunajaxRequest', [MainForm.WebForm.JSWindow, 'FocusOnRowNo', JSInterface.JSObject([ 'recNo', IntToStr(CurRow), 'ClientCode', IntToStr(ClientCode), 'ProjectCode', IntToStr(ProjectCode), 'MemberCode', IntToStr(MemberCode) ]) ]); to send ajaxRequest to some anyFram send : JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('DoRunajaxRequest', [FormRegion.JSMainControl, 'FocusOnRowNo', JSInterface.JSObject([ 'recNo', IntToStr(CurRow), 'ClientCode', IntToStr(ClientCode), 'ProjectCode', IntToStr(ProjectCode), 'MemberCode', IntToStr(MemberCode) ]) ]); if no PARAMETERS needed then send : depend on the object you want to send to (now to button) : JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('DoRunajaxRequest', [UniButtonXXX.JSMainControl, 'FocusOnRowNo', '']); test 6.zip
  12. If set to true, your browser cannot open more than one session from the same IP (Your desktop and mobile example will use different IP) Example: When a computer (local IP: IP: opens one browser tab with a new session and then opens from the same computer/IP a new tab with a new session all other sessions will be closed. Every time session ID is different !
  13. That is the thing. When I close the main form, I stop the timer (TUniTimer.Enabled:=False). However, as you can see, the session continues to be active long after the 30 minute Session Timeout setting. I don't understand why this is happening. How does the one IP per session work? I thought a different session ID is created each time the application is accessed? Will starting the application from the same IP (as in starting from a desktop and phone within the network) result in the same session ID created?
  14. Hello When I set the UnimDBLookupComboBox Picker to dptAuto, how do I set its items to be right-aligned? How can I change the caption of the Done and Cancel buttons to Farsi(Persian)? Regards.
  15. The data in the logs is correct.
  16. test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:PARAMS.TEXT=Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 ClientCode=1 ProjectCode=2 MemberCode=5 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:CurRow=7 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:ClientCode=1 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:ProjectCode=2 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:MemberCode=5 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:PARAMS.TEXT=Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:CurRow=7 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:ClientCode= test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:ProjectCode= test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:MemberCode=
  17. i add my log. please see it
  18. hi @Sherzod thanks for your replay. i change as you suggest and on the AjaxEvent the params send as "object". please see the log. can you send me what you get on your logs? see the JSCallCore - the proc get the var fixed, bu on the ajaxevent i cal not read the vars as CurRow := Params.Values['recNo']; ClientCode := Params.Values['ClientCode']; ProjectCode := Params.Values['ProjectCode']; MemberCode := Params.Values['MemberCode']; test 6.zip A2024-09-16.log
  19. Hello, This resolves various types of errors related to the sequence of requests sent to the server.
  20. Yes! uniTimer works on the server side, not the client side. So even if you close the browser (or tab) the session is still alive until the timer stops. To close Session but if no activity (uniTimer create activity on server and keep session alive) I think you are right but if you don't use a session timer. Try using uniTimer in uniServerModule, this will kill sessions activity. uniMainModule.TerminateOnBrowserClose = true also have this problem when uniTimer exist on Session ! @Sherzod can tell exactly how it works. I know that because on my projects I use uniTimer to show Date and time and that don't kill session after Client close it, so I use in parallel: 1. uniServerModule.SessionRestrict = srOnePerIP 2. Short uniServerModule.SessioonTimeout 3. Message from above 4. One Session for user, after login I close all opened sessions for this user on different devices
  21. Hi, yes works, thank you. But I got another problem. I use the UniDBLookupComboBox as editor, but keyvalue is not correct on OnSelect or OnExit. Also HyperGrid.SubmitChanges dos not work on OnSelect. I need to change a few other listsources on OnSelect which works for DBGrids without hypergrid but not in hypergrid mode. Simple sample attached. project.zip
  22. A major cybersecurity company recently conducted a penetration test (PT) on our UniGUI app, and for the initial test, we received a comprehensive 32-page report. After making the necessary changes, we successfully passed the second round of testing last week. The PT cost us around $5,500. If you're interested in securing your app, feel free to send me a PM.
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