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Farshad Mohajeri

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  1. Grid will stay in "dirty" state until server informs grid that all data are committed. So any failed attempt to post data can be repeated until it is fulfilled.
  2. We can convert insert/post/edit calls to client side calls there is no problem. They are JS calls anyway.
  3. I think there's a misunderstanding here. Each grid is connected to a client side DataStore which Ext JS way of storing data. All edits and appends will stay in data store until you submit them to the server. New Adapters can be easily developed. You can also develop your own adapters.
  4. Yes, there is, but main goal of hyperGrid is not to completely cut server communication. These communications won't conflict with your aim to edit data offline.
  5. These are client side operations. They are sent from the server, but operations are performed on client side data store. Server side dataset is not affected.
  6. Please send us a test case. It is weird because ServerModule should not include visual components.
  7. By default everything remains in grid's memory until you press submit. That's how hypergrid works.
  8. We can implement a server-side event which allows modifying client side data store without editing the underlying server side database.
  9. Calculated fields are only updated when all data are posted. In this case you may need to add the refresh option to Actions. procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1HyperGridOperationsEnd(Sender: TUniBasicGrid; Operations: TUniGridBatchOperations; var Actions: TUniBatchActions); begin Actions := Actions + [batchRefreshData]; end;
  10. Hello, We will prepare extensive document and videos to demonstrate this. In short, You can modify multiple rows (edit, delete or append) on client side and send all changes in a single batch request to the server Navigation in grid won't change dataset cursor (This can be enabled using an option) Editing cells doesn't send multiple events to the server as it happens in standard UniDBGrid You can use database transactions to commit or rollback changes. This means that you can rollback all changes if an error occurs during posting multiple changes. You can use non-datebase data sources to populate the grid. (You can write your own adapters to get data from any data source) You can write custom event handlers to take full control on how data is posted to the underlying data source You can work with closed data tables. (Open only when needed) Unlike UniDBGrid, HyperGrid doesn't rely on "RecNo". Everything is handled using a KeyField which is a field in your table with unique key values. This key values will be used to locate rows when editing or deleting rows. Same key values are used when navigating in the grid. Data adapters allow to centralize event handling for multiple HyperGrids using a single data adapter. Modified rows won't be sent to the server until user decides to do so.
  11. Please modify that line as below: if (S <> '') and (S[1] = '{') then
  12. Hello, Can you please try again?
  13. If the project files are created in an older version of Delphi it can be the issue. You may need to fix the settings in the DPROJ file or delete and recreate the DPROJ file. (After creating a backup)
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