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Farshad Mohajeri

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Farshad Mohajeri last won the day on October 1

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About Farshad Mohajeri

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  1. New option: soCleanGlobalCache
  2. There are two types of cache in uniGUI. Global cache and session local cache. Session local cache is erased automatically when session is terminated. Global cache is not deleted, so it can be reused when application restarts.
  3. Hi, Make sure SSL dll files are loacted in HyperServer folder. They are needed to make SSL connections between hyper server and ServerNodes.
  4. Tip 2: Temporarily disable Windows firewall.
  5. At this point I can recommend testing a basic blank project uniGUI DLL and see if it works.
  6. Any 3rd party protection software installed?
  7. Does it shows first page of your web application? What do you see in first page?
  8. Wed don't recommend using desktop OSes as a server. Especially, if it is not a dedicated computer and also used as a desktop PC.
  9. There can be an issue with IIS pool settings. Please try double checking its configuration.
  10. Please send specs of both servers. You can send a SS of Task Manager as below:
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