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Everything posted by patmap

  1. Hi Mr. Farshad Thank you very much. I will test it. Thanks again Regards
  2. Hi, Mr. Farshad Thank you so much. I'm waiting for your converting. This is a very good training for me. Thanks again Best Regards
  3. Hi Mr. Farshad Thank you so much for your working, But my main problem is multiple classes in one component. if you see UniXExtClasses.pas and UniXGridView.pas units (BufferedGrid component) I've made lots of different classes like TExtObjectList, TXExtGridRowSelectionModel, TXExtGridCellSelectionModel., .... I want to create these classes and save it in variables, and use them, Please, If is possible convert this two unit (BufferedGrid components) and then i can be lean and convert other components, Thanks for your help Best Regards
  4. Hi Mr. farshad This is good news, but how we can create a some objects like GridPanel. For this, we must be create multi jsclass like: Ext.data.Store, Ext.grid.Panel in one custom control. Can you add a sample for GridPanel with some event like row select ? http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.grid.Panel Thanks
  5. I think this very hard! ExtPascal removed in UNIGUI new version and I think we cant have XComponent in UniGUI, but I will try,
  6. I'm really sorry that many of users do not want to buy this framework and like this program for free use !!!. People should be revised. Best Regards
  7. Hi, Put this code on UniDBGrid->ClieantEvents->onAfterRender function OnAfterrender(sender) { var a = Ext.query("button[data-qtip=Refresh]"); for(var x=0;x < a.length;x++) { a[x].style.display="none"; } } Regards
  8. Hi, Put Vcl.Imaging.jpeg in uses list. Regards
  9. Hi perjanbr, When you add MidasLib to uses list no need add midas.dll to project folder. in this case midas library embedded to your exe. Regards
  10. Hi, Probably one of path not correct.(check ExtJS path). Check this url path is correct and viewable: http ://localhost:8077/ext-4.1.1a/ext-all.js http ://localhost:8077/ext-4.1.1a/uni/ext-unigui-min.js Regards
  11. Hi, Set : ServerModule->ExtJSVersion = '4.1.1a' ; ServerModule->ExtRoot = 'Your Full ExtJS Path Or [ext]\' ; Regards
  12. Hi, I use Ext 4.2.0 and i can use neptune ( But not very pretty theme ). See images: Regards
  13. Hi, Browsers act different in this case and you cant hope to do in all browser you can add this code Instead of the previous code: window.onunload = function() { ajaxRequest(sender, 'SessionClosed', [] ); }; window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Click Leave this page to Session Closed."; }; But this code run on FF and dont run on Google chrome. There are not %100 safe solution for confirming ! Regards
  14. Hi Mr.Farshad I do not know why three posts were added. Please delete extra posts. Thanks Regards
  15. Hi, No problem, Put this code in : MainForm->ClientEvents->ExtEvents->1-Ext.form.formPanel->onBeforeRender See picture Regards
  16. Hi, You must be download ExtJS 4.2 and copy it in UniGUI folder and rename folder to ext-4.2.0 Then Set ServerModule.ExtJSVersion := '4.2.0'; And Set ServerModule.ExtRoot := 'f:\Programs\LibXE3\uniGUI\ext-4.2.0\'; // You must change this line to your path then set uniMainModule->'neptune' I test it and work fine. Regards
  17. Hi, Put this code in MainForm->ExtEvents->OnBeforerender : window.onbeforeunload = function() { ajaxRequest(sender, 'SessionClosed', [] ); alert("Session Closed"); // You can remove this line. only for test }; And put this code on MainForm->OnAjaxEvent : If SameText( EventName, 'SessionClosed' ) Then Begin UniSession.Terminate( ); UniSession.UniApplication.Terminate( ); End; Work on FF, Chrome, IE Regards
  18. patmap

    RSS reader

    Hi, This RSS Javascript code use ActiveX for XML reading: xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); and Google Chrome dose not support any Microsoft ActiveX. you may search another source code. Regards
  19. Hi Mr. Farshad Drag and drop is one of the most useful tools for end users. This is sample of Grid to Grid Drag and Drop : Grid to Grid Drag and Drop Regards
  20. patmap

    RSS reader

    Hi, See this sample. RSSReader.ZIP
  21. Hi, I'm using the this version of Delphi ( XE3 Architect Update 2 ) but no need to rewrite. I think this problem is your Delphi edition. However, you can add VCLTee in Unit Scope Name. Regards
  22. Hi, I think you must be remove all form and stay only main form and run it if ok then add next form(s) and run it again Then see which of the forms is raise exception. or put here sample code. Regards
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