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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. It's working as expected on my side. Please check attached project FocusLeave.zip
  2. He Can you add this to Form -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> BeforeInit var me= sender; me.mon(Ext.getBody(), 'click', function(el, e){ me.close(me.closeAction); }, me, { delegate: '.x-mask' });
  3. Hi We are aware of this issue and it is in our roadmap. we will fix it one of the next builds.
  4. Hello, I already have UniBoostro component. Please Check attached files. UniBoostro.zip
  5. Main üzerinde siLang componenti, MainModule üzerinde de siLangDispatcher var bende. Main.Silang.LangDispatcher = UniMainModule.siLangDispatcher1; Dili değiştirmek istediğimde tek yaptığım UniMainModule.siLangDispatcher1.ActiveLanguage:=2;
  6. Merhaba Ben projelerimde bu komponenti sorunsuz kullanıyorum
  7. Hi, Please check attached project. MobileLoginForm.zip
  8. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi Can you please create a test case that we can work?
  9. _rndAxis_ is a unigui function to render axis. I just override it.
  10. Hi Can you try this? MainForm -> Script : function _rndAxis_(d, b, c, f) { if (Ext.isNumber(b)) { var date = new Date(null); date.setSeconds(b); var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); return timeString; } return b; }
  11. Hi Can you try this? JSConfig("textAlign", ARRAYOFCONST(("left")));
  12. Hi, We fixed this bug. You will get it in the next build.
  13. Hi, You can use html tags inside cell. Like <img src="smiley.gif" width="16" height="16"> Smiley
  14. Hi, So you have some code behind the login. Can you open console and check if you have any error.
  15. Hi, For now please set ServerModule.SuppressErrors True?
  16. Confirmed. Please change line 59 in UniReCaptcha.pas to this until next build. JSCode(JSName+'OnCallBack = function(resp) {ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "OnCallBack", {response: resp}) };');
  17. Hi, you can use like this. But in this time you will get 100 requests from clientside to update progressbar. So it is not suitable for web apps. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin ShowProgress('Please Wait...'); UniSession.Synchronize; for i := 1 to 100 do begin Sleep(500); UpdateProgress(i, Format('%%%d Completed', [i])); UniSession.Synchronize; end; HideProgress; ShowToast('Process Finished'); end;
  18. Hi, It is working as expected. Please check attached demo. GridGrouping.rar
  19. Hi Please check CustomException Demo (Servermodule.OnException) C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CustomException
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