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eduardosuruagy last won the day on July 25 2023

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  1. I do it practically the same way, I tried to use the grid directly and the work of controlling it was very difficult and I wasn't very successful, that's why I chose this way.
  2. Is there a way to validate the file then? If not, what do I filter?
  3. How to remove "All files (*.*)" option from UniFileUpload component? I just left the options configured Filter := '.jpeg,.jpg,.png'; Even so, the all files option still appears.
  4. Can you help me with this problem?
  5. I'm using this example on my system, but this error occurs when I call print. Function call MainForm.WebForm.JSInterface.JSCode('html2canvas(document.querySelector("#' + MainForm.WebForm.JSId +'")).then(function(canvas) {ajaxRequest('#1', "getData", ["base64Data="+canvas.toDataURL()])});'); Error: html2canvas(document.querySelector("#O121_id")).then(function(canvas) {ajaxRequest(O121, "getData", ["base64Data="+canvas.toDataURL()])}); I placed the files in a folder and added it within the code in the servermodule. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit(Sender: TObject); begin Self.CustomFiles.Clear; if FileExists('.\files\css\capturar_telas\html2canvas.min.js') then Self.CustomFiles.Add('.\files\css\capturar_telas\html2canvas.min.js'); end;
  6. great news, thank you!!
  7. This problem has been unresolved for years, unfortunately this is very sad.

    Ola conseguiu fazer isso??? estou tentando também rss


  9. thank you. 🤲
  10. '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' '+ ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' '+ ' if (timeString == "00:00:00") { '+ ' ajaxRequest("stopTime"); '+ ' Ext.TaskManager.stop(' + Self.Name + '.timer); '+ ' }; '+ ' '+ ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});'; This way the timer stops, but I don't receive the stopTime event
  11. Would the code look like this? JSCODE := Self.Name + '.seconds = 60; ' + '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' if (timeString == ''0'') { '+ ' Ext.TaskManager.stop(' + Self.Name + '.timer); '+ ' ajaxRequest(''stopTime''); '+ ' }; '+ ' '+ ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});'; UniSession.JSCode(JSCODE);
  12. Yes and when it reaches zero I would like to execute an event or show a message to the user
  13. Sorry, I couldn't do it. I wanted to execute a command when the timer reaches zero, how can I catch this event and execute the command?
  14. JSCODE := Self.Name + '.seconds = 60; ' + '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});';
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