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allenchow last won the day on August 23 2018

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  1. any chance to re-upload the file ?Thanks !
  2. any chance to re-upload the file ? Thanks
  3. It will get error after using unilistbox1.clear ! When I use unilistbox1.clear and add items afterwards, I'll get error after click any item and exit the listbox Listbox - Checkbox.zip
  4. I can’t get your point. The user will input any value they want including 0, we don’t initiate any value beforehand or afterwards.
  5. Any fixed instead of using unidbedit as an editor for that field ??
  6. I've found that the problem is due to the AutoPost setting of the checkbox field !! It will neglect other edited value unless I put the checkbox field to the last column !
  7. But another problem : When I edit the fields with roweditor, when I click the checkbox and edit the other field, only checkbox value saved and the value of the other field is not saved!
  8. In the mean time, I've edit the unidbgrid.pas : function TUniCustomDBGrid.XlatValue(Col: TUniBaseDBGridColumn; Fld: TField; Val: Variant): string; ... if Col.CheckBoxField.Enabled and (not Col.CheckBoxField.BooleanFieldOnly) then begin S := Col.CheckBoxField.FieldValues; sArr := ExtractBooleanValues(S); if Length(sArr) > 0 then begin // changed by Allen 29/09/2020 if Val = Null then begin Result := sArr[1]; end else begin B := StrToBool(Val); if B then Result := sArr[0] else Result := sArr[1]; end; end; end
  9. It has no problem if the field is boolean type, but not if it's int type with values 0 and 1
  10. I have a field with integer value either 0 or 1 (with checkboxfield enabled) . When I click the checkbox directly, it has no problem. But if I edit other field with row editor opened, then I click the checkbox and confirm, error occur: "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)." Please check and fix it ! Thanks !
  11. Currently I'm using UniDBEDIT as an editor for that column (even UniEdit can't do the job) Is it a bug ?
  12. When I use dbgrid roweditor and input a value 0 to a cell (decimal field with Null value initially) and click confirm , it actually won't save the zero value ! But if I first input a non-zero value and save, then I edit again and input a value 0, it will save. Please fix it if it's a bug
  13. I'm trying to use office viewer ocx http://www.officeocx.com/OfficeActiveX.htm or https://www.textcontrol.com/products/activex/tx-text-control-activex/overview/ (but not actual Microsoft word)
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