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picyka last won the day on February 23

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  1. How did your html look, can you paste it here?
  2. With the help of master @Sherzod I managed it, here is an example Stay here, thank you very much. TestTimer.zip
  3. To access the screens you need to login
  4. I needed a clock that would show how many minutes the person has been in the register, but the timer should only update on the client side. When saving, I could stop the timer and get the time value.
  5. 00:06 - Cronômetro online - RelogioOnline.com.br
  6. I would like when starting a registration to show a time counter, and when saving the registration, I can save this time, I did it using UniTimer, but it keeps talking to the server all the time
  7. It would be possible to create a timer on the client side, which would need a play and a stop, and still take this time on the server side. I once tried to do this on the client side and was unsuccessful.
  8. GitHub - lminuti/Delphi-WkHtmlToX: Delphi implementation of WkHtmlToPdf API I tried to use this project with the dll, but on my api server, it works once, then there is an error and it doesn't work anymore.
  9. Hello, can you post an example of how to use it?
  10. picyka


    It works!
  11. picyka


    I'll test it, thanks Doctor JS.😁
  12. picyka


    I would like to order the menus by caption Something like, UniPoupMenu.Items.Sort;
  13. picyka


    Is there a possibility to order the menu items?
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