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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. You can't show message before login. You have to wait login form show up
  2. Can you share a screenshot to understand problem?
  3. Can you please create a test case for us to be able to work on it?
  4. Hello, There should be a JS error to get this stuation. Can you please a simple test case?
  5. Hello Please change H_OnCellClick in UniBasicGrid.pas to below code for now. We will add this to new build. procedure TUniBasicGrid.H_OnCellClick(This: TJSObject; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if Assigned(OnClick) then begin if CheckBoxSelect and (Params['c'].AsInteger=0) then Exit; FSelectionInvalid := True; try if Clickable(FCurrCol, FCurrRow) then OnClick(Self); finally FSelectionInvalid := False; end; end; end;
  6. Hello Can you create a simple test case? I can't reproduce issue
  7. Hello ServerModule-> CustomMeta <script language="JavaScript"> function redirectHttpToHttps() { var loc = window.location.href+''; if (loc.indexOf('http://')==0){ window.location.href = loc.replace('http://','https://'); } } redirectHttpToHttps(); </script>
  8. Drag and drop not supportted for listbox. You can use DBGrid.
  9. Hello, You can use unidblookupcombobox without datasource, with listsource
  10. Merhaba, Onların bir API dökümanı oluyor. Onu incelemenizi tavsiye ederim. Anlayamadığınız bir yer olursa mesaj atın yardımcı olmaya çalışırım
  11. Merhaba, Aslında unigui yada delphi ile farketmiyor aynı yöntemi kullanıyorsunuz. Siz hangi API yi kullanacaksınız?
  12. Unfortunately ExtJS has disableDates property for desktop but they don't have it for mobile component
  13. Hello type TStringGridHelper = class helper for TUniStringGrid procedure RefreshColumns; end; { TStringGridHelper } procedure TStringGridHelper.RefreshColumns; var P : procedure of object; begin TMethod(P).Code := @TUniStringGrid.ReconfigureColumns; TMethod(P).Data := Self; P; end; UniStringGrid1.Columns[1].Title.Font.Color := clRed; UniStringGrid1.RefreshColumns;
  14. Hello, Can you please create a test case to work on it?
  15. Hi, Can you please check "Value" Property
  16. Hi,Please download source code and check it. I used panels and ClientSide table layout.
  17. Starting with Paypal Buttons. http://hayriaslan.net:8090/ DEMO VIDEO : https://webm.red/ZFGO.webm To test payment Generated Credit Card Details Card Type: Visa Card Number: 4597443260919173 Expiration Date: 01/2022 CVV: 200 To get values you can use UniOSPaypalButtons1.ResultList.Values['purchase_units.shipping.name.full_name'] ***NOTES*** https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/integrate/ - Add https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID to Servermodule.CustomFiles. - Set ClientID and SecretKey properties of component UniGUIOpenSource.zip
  18. Hello, I am creating set of components. Feel free to send me javascript libraries to make them an UniGUI component and add to this package. You can find good libraries from this web sites : https://www.javascripting.com http://www.bestjquery.com/ https://bestofjs.org/ https://awesomerepos.com/javascript # Changelog ## [10 Sep 2019] - UniOSPaypalButtons Link ## [11 Apr 2020] - UniWebCam and UniVideoPanel Link ## [09 Jul 2020] UniFlowChart and UnimBarcodeScanner Link ## [18 Aug 2020] UniQZ Link Please change this based on your delphi version. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Compiler_Versions UniGUIOS.dpk
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