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  1. CurrPage = UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo div UniDBGrid1.WebOptions.PageSize + 1 I found this in another post and it works perfect. Thank you.
  2. Hi, what I need is to get the current page number that is being displayed in the pagination bar of the grid (page 1 of 10, page 2 of 10) to use elsewhere in the system. Thank you
  3. Hi, How could I capture the page number that the bar shows as I go forward / backward in the grid?
  4. I have the following Query that returns approximately 8,000,000 records. It takes 8 seconds to run and 3 minutes to display on the grid. SELECT H.Empresa, H.Empleado, H.Periodo, H.Liquidacion, H.NroCorrLiquidacion, H.Concepto, H.NroCorrConcepto, H.Devengamiento, H.Unitario, H.Importe, H.Porcentaje, H.Cantidad, H.Convenio,H.Agrupamiento, H.CCostoNivelUno, H.CCostoNivelDos, H.CCostoNivelTres, H.CCostoNivelCuatro, H.CCostoNivelCinco FROM LqEmpleadosActivos LQ INNER JOIN HiDetalle H ON LQ.Empresa = H.Empresa and LQ.Empleado = H.Empleado WHERE LQ.Trabajaactualmente='S' Is there a way to make the information display faster in the grid? I have tried using AdsQuery and FDQuery and the result is the same. Thanks
  5. This works perfectly. Thank you very much.
  6. Hello, could you see the problem? Any ideas?
  7. In VLC I cannot assign the combo as editor in the grid column. 1. Is there an option in the dblookupcombbox that allows me to enter and save something that is not in the list? 2. Is there any way that a dbcombobox or a combobox allows me to show 2 columns but save only one? Regards, 897261766 - AnyDesk 2020-09-14 10-55-20.zip
  8. Hi, I have a combobox with two columns (City - Code), it should show both columns but only save one of them (the city). This combobox is assigned as editor of a column in the dbgrid. I should also be able to write the name of the city in case it is not on the list. Using the combobox does not allow me to save only the name of the city because it takes the complete text (name and code) even though I do the following to separate the name of the city before saving: UniComboBox1.Text: = Trim (Copy (UniComboBox1.Text, 1, Pos ('-', UniComboBox1.Text, 1) -1)); I tried combobox and dbcombobox and they don't work for me. I can't use the LookUpCombobox because it should let me write the code in case it's not on the list. What are my options? I attach a test case. Regards, GridEditor-TestCase.zip
  9. Hi, Do you have any news about this topic?
  10. Hello, I'm attaching a test case again. I am using the unigui version 1526. GridEditor-TestCase (2).zip
  11. Hi, Do you have any news about this topic?
  12. Yes, I attached a video where you can see the effect described. You can also see that it allows me to insert a record only once (with the insert key), the second time it does not allow inserting. 897261766 - AnyDesk 2020-04-07 15-08-02.zip
  13. hi, I could already reproduce the problem in one of your demos and I describe it to you: 1.- When I double click on the 'salary' cell and activate the grid edition and select the insert key, I get an ajax error and it doesn't allow me to do anything else. I avoid this by writing the line before insert: UniDbGrid1.CancelEditing (True); UniDbGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Insert; UniDbGrid1.CancelEditing (False); I don't know if it is the best solution. 2.- I need to assign the column editors at runtime. For example assigning the editor of the column 'Salary' a UniFormattedNumberEdit1 in the OnShow of the form. When I assign the editor at runtime it happens that: By double clicking on the cell 'salary' and activating the edition of the grid and selecting the insert key, it inserts a new row perfectly, then I cancel the insertion with the X of the navigator and I try to insert a row in the same way again and it doesn't allow it. For some reason it doesn't shoot the KeyDown event twice. I have been able to notice that this happens when I have a combination of placing some columns of the grid in read-only (What I need to do in my project) and at the same time assigning editors at runtime (Which I also need). Could you take a look at this? I have attached a test case where you can see everything I have described here. I hope you can give me some idea of how to solve it. GridEditor-TestCase.zip
  14. I'll try to reproduce it with clientdataset and I will write to you again.
  15. yes, i'm using advantage components
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