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  1. mos

    UniTreeView MoveTo Bug

    @Sherzodcan you tell which version after 1534 this issue was fixed in?
  2. I have a VCL application that use the TreeView MoveTo to move nodes up and down the tree. If I use exactly the same code in UniGUI the end result is different e.g. In the above example I need to move Item 2 up so it's the very first item under Folder 1. If I try and do it in UniGUI I get the following result: As you can see Item 2 disappears!!! Using exactly the same code in the VLC version I end up with screenshot below which is what I need. I have attached the a demo project used in the above example. UniGUI Version:1.90.0 build 1534 TreeViewDemo.zip
  3. How can I change the default hint that show in DateTimePicker when the mouse cursor is on the edit control (see below)? I tried to set Hint and then ShowHint but that only affects the button and not the edit box area.
  4. Hi, We are having trouble generating a stack trace for an AV error we are experiencing. We are using JCLDebug for this. Upon checking, we are not able to get jcldebugging to work, and JclExceptionTrackingActive is false. So when we want to get a stack trace to find what is executing there is no useful information. please help Thank you
  5. Hi, We are having an issue where when the application has been running for a while, and we are trying to access it externally via public IP and port, we get the image below Now we can clear the error by restarting the service. This started happening a little while back when some said they could not gain access externally. We could on the server but couldn't outside or on a different PC. If we restarted everything then all good. We have no idea what is going on. We are not sure if this could be a memory usage issue (mem is at 73.2MB)? But would make no sense because, as I've stated, we can access it locally (localhost:8077) Thank you
  6. @Sherzodor @Farshad Mohajeri can you tell me what UnBusy does and why it's used in the Demo?
  7. In the Session List Demo what does the following piece of code do and why is it required when terminating a session: SS.UnBusy; All the online documentation says is: This is UnBusy, a member of class TUniGUISession.
  8. Has this issue been fixed in a later version as we sometimes get this using version
  9. Mehmet yes I want to access the response headers and then modify them. I was thinking since UniGUI uses a internal Indy HTTP Server I would be able to do it via one of the Server events. Sherzod or Farshad can you provide input on this?
  10. Hi, We are having an unusual issue with the charts, we are currently using Delphi XE2 and highcharts. The charts are being updated by passing setData parameters. But on one of our test deployments, the charts are unusually overlapping, I cannot replicate the issue in my development environment. But here are some screenshots of what is happening as shown in the image above, the chart with the value of 2 is somehow behind the chart that's valued 13. But once we refresh the charts, ie. reload everything. they are now 2 separate bars. If anyone has any experience with this issue and solved it, would be greatly appeciated. Also, below are the commands used chart = $('#containerO4E9').highcharts(); chart.series[0].setData([{name:"Bar 1",y:13},{name:"Bar 2",y:2}]); Thanks!
  11. Hi Mehmet, I am actually after the Response Headers from the website that the UniURLFrame is displaying rather than the headers from the client side.
  12. The UniServerModule has two event handles (OnHTTPCommand and OnHTTPDocument) which I had a look at to try and see what the response header information is coming back when a UniURLFrame.URL is set. However when I try and use AResponseInfo.RawHeaders.Count in both events the Count is always zero.
  13. All is good now, there's no more issue with the charts, just needed to switch from JSInterface.JSCode(sJSCommand); to UniSession.AddJS(sJSCommand);
  14. Thanks alfr. But to be a bit more specific with the issue we have on hand, here is what we have. > The charts have drilldown values > Updating the charts when they are not in drilldown is perfectly working The issue is, when updating the charts while on drilldown, that's the problem. When passing this command directly in the web browser's console, it's working perfectly fine chart = $('#containerO3B6').highcharts(); if(chart.drillUpButton != undefined){chart.drillUpButton.element.onclick();} Now, when the exact same command is passed by Delphi using the following code sJSCommand := 'chart = $(' + QuotedStr('#container' + JSName) + ').highcharts();'; JSInterface.JSCode(sJSCommand); if fDrillDown then begin try sJSCommand := 'if(chart.drillUpButton != undefined){chart.drillUpButton.element.onclick();}'; JSInterface.JSCode(sJSCommand); except Log('DrillUp Exception - ' + E.Message); end; end; The error doesn't show in the browser, but when checking the debug logs created, an exception is caught DrillUp Exception - Config Option: O3B6->if(chart.drillUpButton != undefined){chart.drillUpButton.element.onclick();}<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. If anyone has any solution for this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  15. Hi, thanks for the suggestion, but could you give us more info on this? or maybe a sample? thank you
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