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  1. Good afternoon, I published the system using the hyperserver + IIS for external access, it is working perfectly. But I can't access via localhost. Can someone help me? Thanks.
  2. Good Morning... Why not use push directly on unigui without going through Onesignal or FireBase?
  3. Ele QR q vc arrume o seu cadastro preenchendo os dados da licença do unigui...
  4. @Farshad Mohajeri... Take a look at this code .. simple way to export to excel without dependencies .. Att: Gustavo Déo
  5. Sorry, I was unable to attach the file, so I will leave the unit in writing ... This unit is where the export process is located, no installation or any other dependency is required ... to call the export just declare the unit and call the procedure ... XLSWriter.DataSetToXLS(DataSet,Arq_Name); Sorry, but I'm using a translator ... Report if it worked ... Good code ... Hugs unit uNativeXLSExport; // based on internet, generate basic BIFF5 XLS // http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf // CodePage support (see WriteCodePage) // and Unicode compatibility - Radek Cervinka, delphi.cz interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Grids, Forms, Dialogs, db, dbctrls, comctrls; const { BOF } CBOF = $0009; BIT_BIFF5 = $0800; BOF_BIFF5 = CBOF or BIT_BIFF5; { EOF } BIFF_EOF = $000A; { Document types } DOCTYPE_XLS = $0010; { Dimensions } DIMENSIONS = $0000; type TAtributCell = (acHidden, acLocked, acShaded, acBottomBorder, acTopBorder, acRightBorder, acLeftBorder, acLeft, acCenter, acRight, acFill); TSetOfAtribut = set of TAtributCell; TXLSWriter = class(Tobject) procedure DataSetToXLS(ds: TDataSet; fname: String); private maxCols, maxRows: word; fstream: TFileStream; procedure WriteWord(w: word); procedure CellWord(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: word; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut = []); procedure CellDouble(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: double; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut = []); procedure CellStr(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: String; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut = []); procedure WriteField(vCol, vRow: word; Field: TField); constructor create(vFileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetCellAtribut(value: TSetOfAtribut; var FAtribut: array of byte); procedure StringGridToXLS(grid: TStringGrid; fname: String); protected procedure WriteBOF; procedure WriteEOF; procedure WriteDimension; procedure WriteCodePage; public end; implementation procedure TXLSWriter.DataSetToXLS(ds: TDataSet; fname: String); var c, r: Integer; xls: TXLSWriter; begin xls := TXLSWriter.create(fname); if ds.FieldCount > xls.maxCols then xls.maxCols := ds.FieldCount + 1; try xls.WriteBOF; xls.WriteCodePage; xls.WriteDimension; for c := 0 to ds.FieldCount - 1 do xls.CellStr(0, c, ds.Fields[c].FieldName); r := 1; ds.first; while (not ds.eof) and (r <= xls.maxRows) do begin for c := 0 to ds.FieldCount - 1 do xls.WriteField(r, c, ds.Fields[c]); inc(r); ds.next; end; xls.WriteEOF; // <2002-11-17> dllee // ?? Dimension ?? wirteEOF ??,???? if ??? Seek ?? position // if r > xls.maxrows then begin // xls.maxrows:=r+1; // xls.fstream.Seek(10,soFromBeginning); // xls.WriteDimension; // end; // ????? maxrows ?????,????????? 65535,??,????? finally xls.free; end; end; procedure TXLSWriter.StringGridToXLS(grid: TStringGrid; fname: String); var c, r, rMax: Integer; xls: TXLSWriter; begin xls := TXLSWriter.create(fname); rMax := grid.RowCount; if grid.ColCount > xls.maxCols then xls.maxCols := grid.ColCount + 1; if rMax > xls.maxRows then // ???????? 65535 Rows rMax := xls.maxRows; try xls.WriteBOF; xls.WriteDimension; for c := 0 to grid.ColCount - 1 do for r := 0 to rMax - 1 do xls.CellStr(r, c, grid.Cells[c, r]); xls.WriteEOF; finally xls.free; end; end; { TXLSWriter } constructor TXLSWriter.create(vFileName: string); begin inherited create; if FileExists(vFileName) then begin fstream := TFileStream.create(vFileName, fmOpenWrite); fstream.Size := 0; end else fstream := TFileStream.create(vFileName, fmCreate); maxCols := 100; // <2002-11-17> dllee Column ???????? 65535, ?????? maxRows := 65535; // <2002-11-17> dllee ???????????,????????????????? end; destructor TXLSWriter.destroy; begin if fstream <> nil then fstream.free; inherited; end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteBOF; begin WriteWord(BOF_BIFF5); WriteWord(6); // count of bytes WriteWord(0); WriteWord(DOCTYPE_XLS); WriteWord(0); end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteDimension; begin WriteWord(DIMENSIONS); // dimension OP Code WriteWord(8); // count of bytes WriteWord(0); // min cols WriteWord(maxRows); // max rows WriteWord(0); // min rowss WriteWord(maxCols); // max cols end; procedure TXLSWriter.CellDouble(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: double; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut); var FAtribut: array [0 .. 2] of byte; begin WriteWord(3); // opcode for double WriteWord(15); // count of byte WriteWord(vCol); WriteWord(vRow); SetCellAtribut(vAtribut, FAtribut); fstream.Write(FAtribut, 3); fstream.Write(aValue, 8); end; procedure TXLSWriter.CellWord(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: word; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut = []); var FAtribut: array [0 .. 2] of byte; begin WriteWord(2); // opcode for word WriteWord(9); // count of byte WriteWord(vCol); WriteWord(vRow); SetCellAtribut(vAtribut, FAtribut); fstream.Write(FAtribut, 3); WriteWord(aValue); end; procedure TXLSWriter.CellStr(vCol, vRow: word; aValue: String; vAtribut: TSetOfAtribut); var FAtribut: array [0 .. 2] of byte; slen: byte; begin WriteWord(4); // opcode for string slen := length(aValue); WriteWord(slen + 8); // count of byte WriteWord(vCol); WriteWord(vRow); SetCellAtribut(vAtribut, FAtribut); fstream.Write(FAtribut, 3); fstream.Write(slen, 1); {$IFDEF UNICODE} fstream.Write(AnsiString(aValue)[1], slen); {$ELSE} fstream.Write(aValue[1], slen); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TXLSWriter.SetCellAtribut(value: TSetOfAtribut; var FAtribut: array of byte); var i: Integer; begin // reset for i := 0 to High(FAtribut) do FAtribut := 0; { Byte Offset Bit Description Contents 0 7 Cell is not hidden 0b Cell is hidden 1b 6 Cell is not locked 0b Cell is locked 1b 5-0 Reserved, must be 0 000000b 1 7-6 Font number (4 possible) 5-0 Cell format code 2 7 Cell is not shaded 0b Cell is shaded 1b 6 Cell has no bottom border 0b Cell has a bottom border 1b 5 Cell has no top border 0b Cell has a top border 1b 4 Cell has no right border 0b Cell has a right border 1b 3 Cell has no left border 0b Cell has a left border 1b 2-0 Cell alignment code general 000b left 001b center 010b right 011b fill 100b Multiplan default align. 111b } // bit sequence 76543210 if acHidden in value then // byte 0 bit 7: FAtribut[0] := FAtribut[0] + 128; if acLocked in value then // byte 0 bit 6: FAtribut[0] := FAtribut[0] + 64; if acShaded in value then // byte 2 bit 7: FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 128; if acBottomBorder in value then // byte 2 bit 6 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 64; if acTopBorder in value then // byte 2 bit 5 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 32; if acRightBorder in value then // byte 2 bit 4 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 16; if acLeftBorder in value then // byte 2 bit 3 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 8; // <2002-11-17> dllee ?? 3 bit ??? 1 ??? if acLeft in value then // byte 2 bit 1 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 1 else if acCenter in value then // byte 2 bit 1 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 2 else if acRight in value then // byte 2, bit 0 dan bit 1 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 3 else if acFill in value then // byte 2, bit 0 FAtribut[2] := FAtribut[2] + 4; end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteWord(w: word); begin fstream.Write(w, 2); end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteEOF; begin WriteWord(BIFF_EOF); WriteWord(0); end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteField(vCol, vRow: word; Field: TField); begin case Field.DataType of ftString, ftWideString, ftBoolean, ftDate, ftDateTime, ftTime, ftWideMemo: CellStr(vCol, vRow, Field.asstring); ftAutoInc, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord: CellWord(vCol, vRow, Field.AsInteger); ftFloat, ftBCD: CellDouble(vCol, vRow, Field.AsFloat); else CellStr(vCol, vRow, EmptyStr); // <2002-11-17> dllee ?????????? end; end; procedure TXLSWriter.WriteCodePage; begin WriteWord($0042); // OPCODE CODEPAGE WriteWord($0002); // size WriteWord($04E2); // CP1250 //- >http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf , section 5.17 end; end.
  6. I have a solution ... if you still need it, let me know when I post the code.
  7. Did not work ... Can you help me??
  8. The problem was solved? I still have problem with locate after opening Dataset ...
  9. Good afternoon... I have the following problem ... User opens system with non-maximized browser screen. After opening the screen he wants to work on, he decides to maximize the screen, but the unigui screen does not replay itself ... Any suggestion? Thanks... Att.: Gustavo Déo
  10. Have an example using the flash plugin ???
  11. This sprint could be a priority ... It will help a lot in the speed of opening of screens ode there medium and large volume of data ... Any prediction?
  12. What property should I enable for text to stay in multiple rows in uniDBGrid? Thanks...
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