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Mindaugas last won the day on May 21 2020

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  1. Hello, Are there any additional free or commercial Mobile themes available? Regards
  2. Latest available trial edition "uniGUI Complete Trial Edition (uniGUI Equinox)". Regards
  3. Hello, I am creating a UniMap at runtime and trying to add a marker to it, but UniForm is not loading. procedure CreateMap(upanel: TUniPanel; lat, longt: Double); var umap: TUniMap; begin umap := TUniMap.Create(upanel); umap.Parent := upanel; umap.Align := alTop; umap.Height := 250; umap.LayoutConfig.Margin := '10 10 10 10'; with umap.MapLayers.Add do begin LayerType := mlGoogle; MapType := mtRoadMap; end; umap.DefaultLat := lat; umap.DefaultLong := longt; umap.DefaultZoom := 15; with umap.Markers.Add do begin id:= 1; Latitude:= lat; Longitude:= longt; Icon.iconUrl := 'images/icons/marker-icon.png'; Draggable:= True; AddToMap; PanToMarker(15); end; end; If I am not adding marker, uniform, and unimap load properly. I want that marker is shown on the unimap straight after creation (not after some event, like onclick, etc.). Is this possible? How to achieve this? Thank You.
  4. Thanks. Finally, I solved this puzzle, here is the solution: procedure TUniForm.CountryGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin Text := '<img height="16", width="16", src="images\' + DataModule.FDQuery.FieldByName('Country').AsString + '.png" /> ' + DataModule.FDQuery.FieldByName('Country').AsString; end; procedure TUniForm.UniDBGridDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); begin if Column.FieldName = 'Country' then Column.Field.OnGetText := CountryGetText; end;
  5. Hi, I am doing some research on different products (uniGui, IntraWeb, ...) to migrate my desktop application into a web application. In my desktop application, I use ListViews a lot (mainly because I need to show an image + text side by side in the grid) and really missed it in uniGUI. So my question: how to show image (png, ico, bmp - doesn't matter) + text in one TUniDBGrid cell?
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