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Oliver Morsch

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Everything posted by Oliver Morsch

  1. 1. Take the (uploaded) image and encode it into base64. 2. Create a data URI by replacing "[Base64EncodedString]" with the the base64 encoded image in the following html code: <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,[Base64EncodedString]" /> 3. Insert this html code into htmlmemo.
  2. I have not much experience with stored procedures, but normally - when using parameters - in SQL there should be the used parameter declared: select * from procedure04 where MyFieldName = :MyFieldName
  3. Are you locking Sessions in your Code?
  4. Oliver Morsch


    I think this code is not thread safe...
  5. I had similiar Problems with a real App and some Samsung phones. Installing another keyboard solved it.
  6. TUniDBGrid(Sender).DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger;
  7. TBitmap is not Thread safe. So you must be sure that only one Session uses it at the same Moment
  8. You can use Microsoft Edge browser for example. It has a setting, so that the user will be asked what to do with the file (i.e. "save as ..."). It depends on the browser, there is no other way.
  9. It fetches / caches all the records on the server. If you use server cursor for db components the data is cached in db server, if you use client cursor the data is chached in UniGUI server. To the client (browser) is always sent one page.
  10. You can use Microsoft Edge browser for example. It has a setting, so that the user will be asked what to do with the file (i.e. "save as ...").
  11. Sorry, this event is really only in the VCL, not in UniGUI. But on my older UniGUI version it works like expected with "action := caNone".
  12. Try UniQuery.SpecificOptions.Values['FetchAll'] := 'True';
  13. I think it is a thread pool. Make a "sleep(15000);" after your line and call the app in another browser (tab). Then you should get another thread (id). But the thread id can be another on each call from one session.
  14. Is your app 32bit? Then the max used size is 2 GB.
  15. This does not Work. Try system32 or syswow64.
  16. Where are the openSSL dll's located?
  17. See description: If you want to use interactive input (optional) you must enter the command / input into the edit field below and then press enter (no "inline" edit/ input possible). "Inline Edit" you must program by your own.
  18. For embedding images you can use Data URI scheme.
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