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Roberto Nicchi

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  1. Personalmente ti consiglio sempre di creare un piccolo programma di esempio quando hai una problematica come questa. Roberto
  2. Hello, in the login form probably you have a button to confirm. In this button enable the ScreenMask property. Roberto
  3. Hello, i'm trying to make work SSL with a test unigui application (standalone) I have generated a certificate as explaing in this link: Developer's Guide > Deployment > SSL Configuration > Generate a Self-Signed Certificate (unigui.com) I have created the certificate with a password and have inserted the password in the SSLPassword property in my application. I suppose i have done it right. Of course i have enabled ssl (ssl.enabled=true) The application is correctly executed using but the browser tell me the the connection is not safe. Does it happens because i'm using a self-generated certificate ? Below you can see the properties of the servermodule. thanks Roberto object UniServerModule: TUniServerModule OldCreateOrder = False TempFolder = 'temp\' Title = 'New Application' SuppressErrors = [] Bindings = <> SSL.Enabled = True SSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile = 'root.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.CertFile = 'cert.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile = 'key.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.Method = sslvTLSv1_2 SSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions = [sslvTLSv1_2] SSL.SSLOptions.Mode = sslmUnassigned SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyMode = [] SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyDepth = 0 SSL.SSLPassword = '050302' ConnectionFailureRecovery.ErrorMessage = 'Connection Error' ConnectionFailureRecovery.RetryMessage = 'Retrying...' Height = 150 Width = 215 end
  4. you could use the inputmask property to limit the valid input characters ...
  5. The button is connected to a TuniNativeImageList (svg image) If i use the following CSS the icon is not centered horizzontally. It's aligned to the left. .okIcon24 { height: 24px !important; width: 24px !important; background-size: 24px auto; background-image: url("files/icone/okIcon.svg"); } If the line width: 24px !important; is changed to width: 24px; the icon is centered (correctly) horizzontally. I'm wondering why the "!important" option in CSS is causing the icon not to be centered horizzontally. thanks Roberto
  6. I can't understand how to change the selection of the current record by code. I i had this information it would be easy...
  7. The application will be used in a touch monitor. The user click (touch) the record and it should be selected. thanks Roberto
  8. Hello, i'm using a TuniDBgrid component to allow selection of multiple records. Options = [dgEditing, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgRowSelect, dgCheckSelect, dgAlwaysShowSelection, dgConfirmDelete, dgMultiSelect, dgAutoRefreshRow] My problem is that the record selection is possible only clicking in the checkbox only. I would like to select/unselect the record clicking in any column of the grid. Possible in some way ? thanks
  9. the application will be used in a touch screen PC so i would like to have larger buttons in the standard messagedlg dialog box. Possible ? If not i'll write my own confirmation form. thanks Roberto
  10. I have created my own numeric touch keypad in Delphi code, as suggested by Ron thanks
  11. Thanks, i have tought to that solution .... How to update the value in a TuniNumericEdit component clicking in a button ? Are you using Javascript ?
  12. Right, the problem is that my knoledge in JS is too low to make that lib works with Unigui...
  13. Hello, i have an Unigui application that will be used in a Windows PC with a touch monitor. The user have to insert a numberic value into a TuniNumberEdit. I would like to have a button (next to the number edit) that will open a form with a virtual numeric keypad. The user type the number (the keypad must have large keys) and press enter. The number is inserted into the TuniNumberEdit. Is there something like this ? For the moment i need only a numeric keyboard but would be nice also to have an alphanumeric keyboard. I have found the following thread but the keyboard is very small. thanks Roberto P.S. My knoledge of JS is zero
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