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  1. hi I'm assuming you mean a grid column. Try Floatfield. For instance: TFloatField(Field).DisplayFormat := '#,###.00';
  2. I figured out what I did wrong. Needed Unisession as in the downloaddemo2.
  3. I had a look at downloaddemo and was trying to replicate that. I placed a PDF in a temp, local and files folder, as similar in the downloaddemo. vName := 'technisch_ontwerp_v001.pdf'; FLabel.Caption := '<a href="'+UniServerModule.TempFolderURL+vName+'" target=new>Click here to download: ('+vName+')</a>'; The URI becomes as such localhost: localhost:8077/temp/technisch_ontwerp_v001.pdf I tried all three locations. For some reason I keep getting an error file not found. Is this a trial limitation, or something else I'm doing wrong? I also tried rightclicking the link and download, but I get the error file not there. Many thanks.
  4. Thank you Oliver. You're a life saver.
  5. Hi, I have a dynamically created TUniDBGrid. It contains columns such as: ID, Date, Description. procedure TSynUniguiGrid.UniDBGridSelectionChange(Sender: TObject); var vRowID: Integer; begin if (sender is TControl) then begin vRowID := TUniDBGrid(Sender).CurrRow; end; if TUniDBGrid(Sender).SelectedRows.Count > 0 then begin // end; end; If I use CurrRow, I get the row number. Instead what I want is to just get the value in the ID column of that current row. How does one achieve that? Which demo provides an example? The ID is needed to create a TDataRequest later on.
  6. thanks. The AANHEF was indeed a test project to figure out how. So far the grid seems to be filling. But it loads all columns from the table. Now to figure out how to clear it and add columns dynamically. The main form should also change dynamically, i.e. change from a grid with invoices to for example bills. There will also be a container with edit fields. What I like about unigui is that there's a grid exporter for excel (hopefully that should make life a bit easier with one requirement, and replace a gridtableview (devexpress component)). The company wants this as a proof of concept, after which they'll likely purchase Unigui for about 8 or so developers, permitted they like what they see.
  7. unfortunately I have to use an IBDatabase. There's no other one. The company has 20 year old legacy software.
  8. nevermind forgot the transactions
  9. Hi I have an IBDatabase. The table in it is called AANHEF and the column AANHEF. On the dfm I have an IBDatabase, Datasource and a UniDBGrid with a UniDBGridColumn called aanhef. How do I get the data from the table into the gridcolumn? I tried looking at the ADO and the ClientDataset tutorial but no luck there.
  10. I found what is the issue. A DCP path was missing.
  11. uhm apologies it's these errors (different number R2023) [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_R2019.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'designide' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_D2019.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'uSynEdit_R2023' not found build 1553 of trial 1.90.0 with delphi 10.4.2
  12. Delphi 10.4.2 is used and downloaded trial
  13. [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_R2019.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'designide' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_D2019.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'uSynEdit_R2019' not found I get these errors too after a reinstall of unigui, because the trial had expired. I tried to set fresh library paths, but keep getting these errors. What to do? Delphi 10.4 is used and downloaded trial
  14. thanks. I'm having a look at alternatives. Perhaps panel with an sencha excel export.
  15. had a look in the devexpress library, what I find: TcxGridDBTableView = class(TcxGridTableView) TcxGridTableView = class; I don't know if this is of any help answering, but I see in the grid class in the codebase functions to an export of excel and export to pdf file and a print example, that needs an TSyncxGridDBTableView which is a TcxGridDBTableView.
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