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  1. Hi Jose, in your form, put an TuniHiddenPanel On it, put an TUniCheckComboBox (or TuniEdit, TuniComboBox...) on the column of your dbgrid : property Filtering : Editor : Your TUniCheckComboBox Enabled : true
  2. hello, How can i get the new value when i press enter ?
  3. yes i can edit it now. filter doesn't work for now, no event changing happen
  4. Hello, I use unicheckcombobox to filter on columns of my grid. It's ok. But i can't write into, something like : %test% Is it possible to make it not read only ? the readonly property is false. Thank you
  5. yes, thank you, all works fine now
  6. oh, ok, sorry i didn't understand
  7. sorry, In the property images, i put FileAttachImgList And i use property iconItems like this I make a simple test case App.zip
  8. i want the same as a unicombobox : icon1 text1 icon2 text2
  9. Hi, I have a Tunicheckcombobox and a TUninativeImageList (FileAttachImgList). In the property images of my checkcombobox, FileAttachImgList. Iconeitems is ok too with the diferent index. But I didn't see my images. All work fine with a Tunicombobox Whatcan i do to to have my icones ? Thank you
  10. yes, it works fine, Thank you, didn't see this property
  11. Hi, I have some columns in my dbgrid. They can be filtering. but when my filter is a uniChekComboBox, i want to up the width, because the column has a little width Is there a way to up the items width ?
  12. Hello, I have a unidbgrid with a lot of rows. Customers can mark rows with color using a tunicolorbutton. ok But now i want to filter my grid on different colors. Then i need a button like tunicolorbutton where customers can select multiple colors. then i 'll filter my grid on these colors. How can i do this ? how component can i use ? Thank you
  13. Hello, yes it is complicate just for that but it works. can we just make a test before and not use this code for chrome ? originally it works on chrome but not on the others.
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