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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi, Have you seen this demo?: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Session List
  2. I'm sorry for the late reply It's possible, But for this need to take into account a few points, I will try to make a simple testcase one of these days
  3. Hi, One possible solution: Your UniToolButton (Help button) -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function added: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { container.insert(pos, {xtype: 'tbfill'}); }
  4. Hi, Sorry, Can you please explain in more details what you wanted?!
  5. Hi Paul, Sorry for the late reply Yes, I need to check this once again
  6. OK, very good And how did you make the generator? I think you will not be difficult to finish this moment too Or give your code here, and someone may give a solution.
  7. Hi, Yes you can use HTML tag <table> If you mean a table generator to insert, then this is currently not possible.
  8. Hi, Which build are you using and can you make a simple testcase for this?
  9. Hi, Columns are created "dynamically"? Can you make a simple testcase for this?
  10. Sherzod


    Здравствуйте, Какую сборку Вы используете?
  11. Добрый день, Какую сборку UniGUI используете, и что за ресурс в котором хотите авторизоваться?
  12. You can try something like this: foptions -> Position -> poDefault procedure pAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); procedure TMainForm.pAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var p: TUniPanel; x, y: Integer; begin if EventName = '_mousedown' then begin x := Params.Values['x'].ToInteger(); y := Params.Values['y'].ToInteger(); p := findcomponent((Sender as TComponent).Name) as TUniPanel; foptions.unilabel2.Caption := p.Caption; foptions.Top := y; foptions.Left := x; foptions.ShowModal(); end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 25 do begin pStatus := TUniPanel.Create(MainForm); with pStatus do begin Name := 'Option_' + inttostr(i); caption := name; Parent := sb; Top := i * 41; Height := 40; align := altop; color := RGB(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255)); //onclick := pstatusClick; OnAjaxEvent := pAjaxEvent; ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['mousedown'] := 'function mousedown(sender, x, y, eOpts){ajaxRequest(sender, "_mousedown", ["x="+parseInt(x+sender.getX()), "y="+parseInt(y+sender.getY())])}'; end; end; end;
  13. Hi, I think, you need also try to use UnimHTMLFrame instead
  14. Hi, Please adjust your forum email address:
  15. Hi, Can you explain in more details what you wanted to implement? Make a simple testcase for this if possible
  16. Hi, You can see Recaptcha Demo
  17. Sherzod

    Ramadan Mubarak

    Ramadan Mubarak
  18. Sherzod

    PDF Viewer

    Hi, I couldn't reproduce your issue Can you please check if pdf.js files are installed on the server, under uniGUI runtime folder?!
  19. Yes, firstly this old version, and sorry, I assume that you are using the hacked version... Secondly, you should try to use the latest builds, and must download from our website, don't take from someone
  20. Where did you download this version?
  21. Hi, Sorry for the late reply, need to analyze This explanation is not very clear to me. You may need to make a test case by specifying a sequence of actions...
  22. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using? You can see demos, for example: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Basic jQuery
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