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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Can you please explain in more detail?
  2. The data in the logs is correct.
  3. test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:PARAMS.TEXT=Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 ClientCode=1 ProjectCode=2 MemberCode=5 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:CurRow=7 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:ClientCode=1 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:ProjectCode=2 test6.exe: 00004A6C: 11:35:03 []:MemberCode=5 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:PARAMS.TEXT=Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=FocusOnRowNo recNo=7 _S_ID=eRAlsSJhBU10F824C32 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:CurRow=7 test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:ClientCode= test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:ProjectCode= test6.exe: 00000A20: 11:35:03 []:MemberCode=
  4. Hello, This resolves various types of errors related to the sequence of requests sent to the server.
  5. Hello, This approach may help you: function beforereconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { columns[1].editor = { xtype: 'numberfield', // Указываем, что редактор — numberfield allowBlank: false, // Поле не может быть пустым minValue: 0, // Минимальное значение maxValue: 100, // Максимальное значение hideTrigger: true // Скрываем если не нужно показывать стрелки для изменения значения } }
  6. @biff31337 Fixed in build - v1.95.0.1592. [UNG-3548] - TUniHyperGrid: Lookup fields aren't handled properly.
  7. Hello @mazluta I made a few changes. 1. RunLocal.js -> You will most likely need to clear the cache for your website! function DoRunajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, Params) { console.log("DoRunajaxRequest"); console.log("EventName="+EventName); console.log("Params="+Params); /*ajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, {Params});*/ /*ajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, [Params], false);*/ ajaxRequest(toObj, EventName, Params, false); } 2. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); Var CurRow : Integer; ClientCode : Integer; ProjectCode : Integer; MemberCode : Integer; begin CurRow := 7; ClientCode := 1; ProjectCode := 2; MemberCode := 5; JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('DoRunajaxRequest', [UniButton1.JSMainControl, 'FocusOnRowNo', JSInterface.JSObject([ 'recNo', IntToStr(CurRow), 'ClientCode', IntToStr(ClientCode), 'ProjectCode', IntToStr(ProjectCode), 'MemberCode', IntToStr(MemberCode) ]) ]); end;
  8. Hello, You need to install the trial version on deployment server too.
  9. I will try to check your testcase later today.
  10. I haven't looked at your test case, but seems you're not using the OnColumnSummaryTotal event for this.
  11. Hello, Are you sure you are not using periodic requests to the server, say using UniTimer for example?
  12. Yes, of course, but you will have to handle data loading, updating, and deleting yourself.
  13. Hello, I didn't quite understand your question.
  14. Can you create a test project on Delphi VCL that you want to achieve on uniGUI? I'll try to check.
  15. Hello, You need to use methods to iterate through the tree nodes.
  16. Yes, You might need to slightly adjust the value.
  17. Try this approach for now: UniFileUpload1.Execute; UniSession.AddJS('Ext.defer(function(){var _winUpload = Ext.WindowManager.getActive(); _winUpload.query("button")[0].setStyle({left: "217px"});}, 10)');
  18. Hello @Tinygoldwing Please clarify your question in more detail.
  19. Hello, This post may help you for now, please analyze:
  20. Sherzod


    Do you have a simple testcase to check?
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