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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Yes. 1. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> afterrender The main modified code (if you analyze it, you can simplify the code even more)... ariaSelectable: a.ariaSelectable//, //width: parts.length * 150 2. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.UniEvents -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.store.cmp = sender; } 3. UniDBLookupComboBox4.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { var parts; this.each(function(record) { var val = record.get('val'); parts = val.split(' - '); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { record.set('field' + (i + 1), parts[i]); } }); if (parts.length > 0) { this.cmp.getPicker().setWidth(200 * parts.length) } else { //this.cmp.getPicker().setWidth(150) } }
  2. Almost the same code, with some modifications. I will post later.
  3. Добрый день! Я попробую проанализировать Ваш случай.
  4. How do you scroll? By clicking the "up/down buttons" or by clicking on the empty space of the scrollbar?
  5. function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { // For the value zero you can also apply the condition... config.axes[0].renderer = function(axis, label, layoutContext) { return (label<=10) ? Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#.00") : Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#") }; }
  6. Hello, I think you can use conditions here, for "label":
  7. Then I don't know, need to investigate.
  8. Sorry, but please read the license agreement. From your words it is not clear who bought the license, who installed it, and what relation do you have to all this !?
  9. Hello, What do you mean? Scrolling step or?
  10. procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // pnlfirst.Caption := 'Caption!'; // pnlfirst.JSInterface.JSConfig( // 'html', // ['<div style="height:100%"><table border="0" width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td style="text-align:center">'+ // pnlfirst.Caption+ // '</td></tr></table></div>' // ] // ); // pnlfirst.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){this.innerHtmlElement.setHeight("100%")}'); // // // pnlsecond.Caption := 'Caption!'; // pnlsecond.JSInterface.JSConfig( // 'html', // ['<div style="height:100%"><table border="0" width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td style="text-align:center">'+ // pnlsecond.Caption+ // '</td></tr></table></div>' // ] // ); // pnlsecond.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){this.innerHtmlElement.setHeight("100%")}'); pnlfirst.Caption := 'First'; pnlfirst.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){if (this.query("panel").length == 0) this.add({xtype:"label", html:"'+ pnlfirst.Caption +'", width:''100%'', height:''100%'', style: "text-align:center; top:50%"})}'); pnlsecond.Caption := 'Second'; pnlsecond.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){if (this.query("panel").length == 0) this.add({xtype:"label", html:"'+ pnlsecond.Caption +'", width:''100%'', height:''100%'', style: "text-align:center; top:50%"})}'); pnlthird.Caption := 'Third'; pnlthird.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){if (this.query("panel").length == 0) this.add({xtype:"label", html:"'+ pnlthird.Caption +'", width:''100%'', height:''100%'', style: "text-align:center; top:50%"})}'); end;
  11. Ok, let's think of another workaround for now.
  12. Okay. For example, considering the above solutions (codes): UniDBLookupComboBox2.ClientEvents.UniEvents -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { /* UniDBLookupComboBox2.ListField = CustNo;City;Company After splitting into fields: val = 1231 - Freeport - Unisco field1 = 1231 field2 = Freeport field3 = Unisco For example we will display "field3" - "Unisco" */ config.displayTpl = new Ext.XTemplate( '<tpl for=".">{[typeof values === "string" ? values : values["field3"]]}<tpl if="xindex < xcount">, </tpl></tpl>' ); }
  13. Will other components be inserted into the panels or not?
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