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azago last won the day on June 10 2021

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  1. I use DEVART Unidac with Delphi Sidney See https://www.devart.com/unidac/compatibility.html for compatibily version
  2. procedure TfForm1.UniPDFFrame1Loaded(Sender: TObject); begin if UniPDFFrame1.PDFURL > '' then begin // download button UniSession.AddJS (UniPDFFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("download").style.display = "none"'); UniSession.AddJS (UniPDFFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("secondaryDownload").style.display = "none"'); end; end;
  3. I try with my iPhone IOS 14.5.1 http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/touch/mdemo.dll/m it works fine.
  4. try https://www.gyrocode.com/articles/how-to-increase-print-quality-of-pdf-file-with-pdf-js-viewer/
  5. /* UniDbGrid readonly CheckBoxes NOT grayed */ .x-item-disabled .x-grid-checkcolumn { opacity: 1 !important; }
  6. I need to change the componentCls of the grids actionbuttons 1) if I want to change componentCls in all the application I modify do I have to do to my CustomCSS ? 2) I tried to change the value on a single grid by removing the hint values of the action button and inserting The program does not give any errors, it displays the message correctly but does not apply the componentCls. Angelo
  7. or UniSession.AddJS (pdfFrame.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("print").click()');
  8. procedure TMainForm.bPrintPDFClick(Sender: TObject); begin MainForm.pdfFrame.JSInterface.JSCall('iframe.contentWindow.print', []); end;
  9. Sorry but I only use only and always Delphi (for thirty years ...) and I don't know C ++ anyway in Delphi First Page UniSession.AddJS (uHTMLPDF.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("firstPage").click()'); Last page UniSession.AddJS (uHTMLPDF.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("lastPage").click()'); Next page UniSession.AddJS (uHTMLPDF.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("next").click()'); Previous Page UniSession.AddJS (uHTMLPDF.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("previous").click()'); i used unigui for a document solution Angelo
  10. If you want to use a button to go to a specific page procedure TMainForm.bSetPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS (pdfFrame.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.PDFViewerApplication.page=' + IntToStr(UniSpinPage.Value)); end;
  11. In the close form or destroy you have insert // Clear PDF uHTMLPDF.PDFURL := ''; where uHTMLPDF is your TUniPDFFrame ? I have a document application that uses a lot of PDFs and I have no problems with either chome or Edge Angelo
  12. 1. in the editor ExtEvents and UniEvents highlighted if code present inside (without having to enter each element to see if we have activated any code). 2. building the user interface takes 60% of the time of building an application. You would need an editor with the ability to choose values like to x-panel-header-default x-panel-body-default etc.. to generate custom css or an easier way to manipulate a new application theme 3. a solution for custom screen mask without using EnableSynchroniusOperations passing, for example, an gif and a provedure to execute. Of the series shows the animated git until the procedure has not finished
  13. if I use a theme other than classic I have the borders in the edit boxes as shown in the figure. how can i hide them with css?
  14. obviously in on FrameReady or FormShow begin UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.form.mask("Action in progress ...")'); .OnThreadCreateReport.Enabled := True; end;
  15. One solution is to use a ThreadTimer (RunOnce ...) on FrameReady or FormShow begin UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.form.mask("Action in progress ...")'); end; procedure TfReporting.OnThreadCreateReportTimer(Sender: TObject); try // execute the long action finally UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.form.unmask()'); end; begin end;
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