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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. This discussion about differences is interesting: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5329618/stateless-vs-stateful-i-could-use-some-concrete-information
  2. My 2 cents. I'm co-owner of small soft company and main developerr in it for a last 16 years. We're use Farshad's components and very glad with it. Our politic is to don't use closed-source components. UniGUI is a rare exception of this rule. If we'll found comparable replacement for UniGUI with opened source it's big probabilty that we move to other one. Rewriting is not afraid us, not for first time. Therefore, it's important to understand that it's very important for us. In the future we have plan to buy additional licenses, when the rest of the team will start working with components. I think that both of responsive desing and linux support are important. For different reasons.
  3. FastMM4, Eurekalog or Mad Except could help you find your leaks.
  4. +1. Maybe you can give us some terms?
  5. TForm1 is the main form of my app and admin's main form. UniForm14 is the user's main form. NeedSetMainForm is the flag for timer of the TForm1. Timer do some setup of the main form after start. Users is internal class of all user's data. UniMainModule.LoggedUserHash is the hash of current logged user.
  6. Hi! I do it in my app in that way: in the real main form do check, does the user have admin priveleges, and if no, I hide this form and show other one, user's, form: procedure TForm1.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin if Users.IsPermitted(UniMainModule.LoggedUserHash, 'CAN_ADMIN') then NeedSetMainForm := True else begin Hide; UniForm14.Show; end; end; as I know, all works fine.
  7. General recommendation for all guys: use Eurekalog or Mad Except to find location of your exceptions. They help a lot.
  8. Thank you mohammad very much for sharing!
  9. You can use Eruekalog or Mad Except to find exceptions places.
  10. Unfortunately the Safari is more pure featured as the Chrome. I have not been surprised for a long time.
  11. Нет ли каких-то подводных камей в переходе с 32бит на 64бит? Только если на вашей стороне. Соответствующие туторы лежат в сети, ищите. Фаршад писал, что на грани релиза. Ждите.
  12. we are already working on it, but we are waiting for this version is stable to devote more time in this version. We are waiting for your components too. Farshad said that a new version of its components is coming out on a stable release.
  13. Tokay

    EXE x DLL

    Eurekalog or Mad Except could help you find your exceptions.
  14. Please share your decision. It could be useful for others. Thank you.
  15. May by better way is to rename components to TServerTimer and TClientTimer respectively. And set both old components as depricated.
  16. Смотри демки, там всё есть. Обработчики OnColumnSort.
  17. Ok, thank you! I just added your code. It works, at least under Chrome.
  18. Hi, thank you. I'll waiting for example, I don't know where I can add this line of code.
  19. Hi! Is it possible to do it? In pas code.
  20. Hi, Do you have any progress? We really need this function
  21. Thank you for replay, but it doesn't helps. App started but created button has view like a TUniBitBtn.
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