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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. Thank you for the demo, it works as expected, I'll try to use same approach.
  2. Tokay


    I think that it would be no difference - VCL or UniGUI. Both would work fine.
  3. It would be great to share your solution.
  4. Tokay


    You can access it with help of Microsoft Windows: https://uvacollab.screenstepslive.com/s/help/m/sitetools/l/611578-how-do-i-set-up-webdav-for-windows-10-or-8 or with help of TMS Cloud pack: https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/cloudpack.asp
  5. это никак не связано с унигуем, но с вашим кодом. подвержен именно ваш код. как с этим бороться - уже сказали. на сервер прилетает то, что вы на него шлёте как ни странно...
  6. TUniGaugeSeries has no Brush and Pen property at all. What am I doing wrong? Farshad, please fix the TUniGaugeSeries, bug is opened from august. And nothing was changed, I try on the latest version.
  7. I use this components for xlsx access: http://avemey.com/zexmlss/index.php?lang=en It free and works fine.
  8. зачем такие сложности? виртуалка в помощь
  9. скачай и поставь себе делфи community edition можно использовать бесплатно в пределах лицензии. думаю, что твой случай подпадает вполне.
  10. You can try read and create dfm from text file: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Tokyo/en/ComponentToString_(Delphi)
  11. Here is better link: http://www.gexperts.org/tour/replace_components.html I open VCL form in the UniGUI app and manually change all components to the UniGUI components. It's not fully automatically, but it's help a lot.
  12. I recomend to replace component with GExperts. It could help with replacing. http://www.gexperts.org/tour/ I quickly and simply translate about 100 forms to UniGUI from VCL.
  13. I think, that could happened cause of my ticket: http://jira.fmsoft.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/FSD-693 If you have sources you can try fix it: in uniEdit module change StrToFloat to StrToFloatDef: FValue := StrToFloat(S, FmtSettings); to FValue := StrToFloatDef(S, 0, FmtSettings); Farshad, please fix it, I submit the ticket and solution at August.
  14. BTW, mika you can use GEpxperts: http://www.gexperts.org/ it could automatically convert (selected) components into the code: var UniListBox1: TUniListBox; UniListBox1 := TUniListBox.Create(Self); UniListBox1.Name := 'UniListBox1'; UniListBox1.Parent := UniGroupBox1; UniListBox1.Left := 8; UniListBox1.Top := 17; UniListBox1.Width := 305; UniListBox1.Height := 84; UniListBox1.Hint := ''; UniListBox1.TabOrder := 1; UniListBox1.MultiSelect := True;
  15. You can also use the Sqlite DB (with restrictions): https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q5
  16. Tokay

    Auto Login

    wprins, Could you please share an example?
  17. As I said, you can try to replace StrToFloat to StrToFloatDef: Self.Value := StrToFloatDef(AValue, 0, FmtSettings) FValue := StrToFloatDef(S, 0, FmtSettings);
  18. 1. Do we need the PagingToolbarResizer.js? If I understand correctly, your sample works fine without this file. 2. For all: code posted by Marlon Nardi shall be added to the beforerender event of the grid: function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { if (sender.pagingBar) { sender.removeDocked(sender.pagingBar, true); sender.addDocked({ dock: 'bottom', items: [Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { pageSize: sender.store.pageSize, store: sender.store, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: 'Visualizando {0} - {1} de <b>{2}</b>', emptyMsg: "Não há registros", plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.PagingToolbarResizer', { displayText: 'Registros por página', options: [25, 50, 100, 150, 200] }) })] }); } }
  19. I propose in the case without runtime installation (for ex: FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_runtime_1.50.0.1482.exe) on the computer doesn't start any UniGUI app at all. Show a message or logging to a file. Or start app and show to the users some sensible message instead of "loading..." I think that this could significally reduce qeustions from the biginners. Thank you!
  20. This is one of the pain of the components. Solutions exists, but all are worst. I try to find hardly how to store and get acces later to the UniGUI sessions but without success. It's very strange for me.
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