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IRWANTO82 last won the day on September 23 2022

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  1. how about your specs server open resource monitor and watch about cpu, disk, network if you are using router, you can check high load your network connection detail, % router cpu usage
  2. hi, is "Prompt" can run without call back like desktop ? i tested it, it must using callback. sample UniButton1Click, prompt doesnt appear sample UniButton2Cick with callback, it's showup ServerModule asycnrequest set true; Version:1.90.0 build 1564 procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var sFileNameNew, sFileName : string; begin if Prompt( 'Masukkan nama file yang baru' + '<br>' + sFileName + '<BR>' + '<br>', sFileName, TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation, mbOKCancel, sFileNameNew, True ) = 2 then // 1 ok, 2 cancel Exit; ShowMessage('show after prompt'); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var sFileNameNew, sFileName : string; begin Prompt( 'Masukkan nama file yang baru' + '<br>' + sFileName + '<BR>' + '<br>', sFileName, TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation, mbOKCancel, procedure (Sender: TComponent; AResult: Integer; AText: string) begin if AResult = mrOK then begin ShowMessageN(AText); end; end ); end;
  3. unigui not include all of source code, so you cannot compile it to fpc. though you have pro desktop and complete (desktop+mobile) unigui license, you cannot compile it because some unit not include in source code, only .dcu so you need .ppu with same fpc version and targetplatform
  4. Done, I already mailed via support@fmsoft.net now
  5. Hello sir, Is there any other way to pay saldo, i always failed using fastspring
  6. Maybe later, fpc is goal in roadmap
  7. why should you run unigui in lazarus IDE ? all you need is compile unigui project using fpc console to linux is enough
  8. the best is unigui Design with delphi (i love delphi gui than Lazarus), support compile to fpc win32 (without lazarus), next support fpc linux64, next fpc arm/aarch raspi etc. i m soho using delphi prof without linux plaform (very sad)
  9. linux ? no road map only plan, maybe 2030, and its alfa release haha
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