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Igor Scherer

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  1. A compliment, in the deploying standalone app as a service mode is working very well! Congratulations!!! New question, I made a short video to make it easier: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/u2cnGwjhD46jtJEwKf8ni4?rrr it's a bug in Apache Linux? Log: libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 0000557DF49BD0B0 libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 0000557DF49BD0B0 libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 [Requested Theme File not found:]:/etc/fmsoft/unigui/unigui_runtime/unim-\uni-ios.css libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:03 [uniGUIApacheHandler[]]:EConvertError : 'true' is not a valid boolean value : Addr: $00007FC115603D8D libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 0000557DF49BD0B0 libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 0000557DF49BD0B0 libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 [Requested Theme File not found:]:/etc/fmsoft/unigui/unigui_runtime/unim-\uni-ios.css libGerenciadorWeb.so: 00000000: 22:54:05 [uniGUIApacheHandler[]]:EConvertError : 'true' is not a valid boolean value : Addr: $00007FC115603D8D Linux Centos 64 bit
  2. Thank you very much for your help and quick return.
  3. No, linux is not finding the default themes path {$ifdef Linux64} FrameworkFilesRoot := '/etc/fmsoft/unigui/unigui_runtime'; {$endif}
  4. hello, in linux I have the following problem, in the log it appears like this: :/etc/fmsoft/unigui/unigui_runtime/unim-\uni-material.css "\" rather than "/" this is configurable?
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