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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, Did you see : https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?ssl_configuration.htm
  3. Today
  4. Hello, Using the scanner from a browser requires integration with a local application or the use of specialized libraries and browser extensions.
  5. Hello, I have an application that uses a digital certificate that is installed on the computer (digital certificate from the FNMT, Spain), when I run it in CGI mode on my computer with localhost:8077, the application recognizes the certificate and in principle Everything works perfectly, but when I run it in ISAPI mode and on the IIS WEB server I am not able to call the certificate.
  6. Sorry team , I solve this problem. Simply reinstall UniGUI after intalation on DELPHI 12.1
  7. Yesterday
  8. Hi I did suggested by sarcos I and now I see this compiler error. [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI29VCL.dpk(50): F2051 Unit uniXDBGrid was compiled with a different version of uniDBGrid.IUniDBGrid I can not find "uniXDBGrid.pas" where is it ? I'm with uniGUI professional edition. Please help to install frame work.
  9. Same problem with me: [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI29Chartdcl.dpk(36): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI29Chart' not found during framework installation after installation of "Embarcadero® Delphi 12 Version 29.0.51961.7529 " How could I fix it.
  10. Norm

    Get data HTML

    I can work out an example for you. Can you explain what data you want to receive from the html.
  11. MVakili

    Get data HTML

    Is it my files? no I cant I download this projects from Github or web
  12. No. Without user involvement on the client side, the web browser won't grant access to the file system. Browsers are designed with security in mind to prevent unauthorized access to files on the user's computer. Therefore, any file operations on the client side must be initiated by the user, such as through file input controls on web pages.
  13. I would like to upload a file to a UniGUI application as part of the URL and the ServerModule will receive it via the OnHttpCommand event and process it. Something like, https://myapp.com?file=c:\fred\mytextfile.csv Is this possible? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  14. Hi, Does anyone have an idea on how to integrate flat bed scanner with UniGui?
  15. Чет не понятно как Вы это сделали))
  16. Sherzod

    Get data HTML

    Can you make a completed test project?
  17. Добрый день! В принципе да, я думаю, что это возможно. Вот что говориться в документации: "Multiple inputs aren't supported, you can achieve them by using html and preConfirm parameters."
  18. OK, I understand now, this is possible security problem. This get my attention now ! @Sherzod, can you help with some code ?
  19. Добрый день! SweetAlert клевый компонент, хотелось бы его использовать для ввода логина и пароля, что бы не городить собственные формы. Возможно ли в него добавить два поля для ввода? Спасибо.
  20. lets say i want to kick a specific session off my database (firebird). In a classic windows application i can just delete this sessions' attachment, which triggers the OnConnectionRecover event of firedac. In this event i can let the user choose to try to reauthorize or end the program altogether. In the latter case Application.Terminate is called, which ends the program. If the user is doing stuff at the moment, this work is interrupted by the disconnect and the program never resumes that work. In UniGUI, this does not work the same way. Since Session.Terminate does not actually end the session, the program (after setting the Session.Terminate flag in OnConnectionRecover) resumes the work it was doing before the disconnect. This is not what i want. I want the session to end immediately when i call Session.Terminate. However, the session tries to finish the work which was queued up before the disconnect. So basically this: VCL: do some work -> delete attachment -> OnConnectionRecover -> Application.Terminate -> program ends UniGUI: do some work -> delete attachment -> OnConnectionRecover -> Session.Terminate -> returns to "do some work" at the same point it left, and the session is still active. So i need a way to completely kill a session, not just set its Terminate flag.
  21. MVakili

    Get data HTML

    That was a good point 😀 main problem very briefly 1- Display the Persian calendar in a modal form 2- If a date is passed for it, it will go to the same date (OnShow) 3- He can easily choose the desired date 4- Double click to return the selected date and close form And a series of other features that will be added later. For example 1- Have a parameter to display the Gregorian calendar values 2- The size of the calendar should be automatic. I searched the internet for various calendars with these features and found a few that were usable But I don't know how to use them in UNIGUI main program HTML2.rar 3 samples of JS codes pwt.calheatmap-master.zip JalaliJSCalendar-1.4(PersianScript.ir).tar.gz JalaliDatePicker-main.zip HTML2.rar
  22. Hello, I've a unidbgrid, version I've a tuniCheckComboBox on 1 column of my grid i've 20 lines I click my filter to chek one item and to close it I click on the 19th line Then i ve an error because my grid contains now 10 lines 'TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow(): Unexpected Row number:20,10' The problem is in the function TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow I see a test is made : if Result < ARecNo then // in case there is a sync problem, try to locate from beginning But the fonction even go to the raise condition at the end. Is there something to do not to have the raise message ? For the moment, at the begining of the function i put Silent := True; But when i ll update version, my modification will be lost. And it is not very clear for sure. Thank You Didier
  23. UniDBPivotGrid.ClientEvents.UniEvents -> function afterCreate(sender) { sender.on('showdrilldownpanel', function(panel) { //Adding exporter plugin panel.down('grid').addPlugin('gridexporter'); var exporterCfg = new Object({ type: "xlsx", mimeType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", title: panel.title, //title fileName: "Export.xlsx" }); if (!panel.exportBtn) { panel.exportBtn = panel.getHeader().insert( 1, {xtype: 'button', text: 'Export2Excel', handler: function() { panel.down('grid').saveDocumentAs(exporterCfg); }} ) } }); }
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