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Franco Grech

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  1. Hello guys, I hope someone can help me. I'd like to put a countdown timer into a label. Something like this: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_countdown.asp Could you help me how can I implement this (client-side) feature on TuniLabel? Thank you for any help!
  2. In TopAxis section you want to take the information from LeftAxis collection. Typical "Copy and Paste" mistake 😂 It works.
  3. This is the line the error is occuring. If I'm using only one field on top it's ok. This issue happening when I have more than one fields on top. Any idea how can I fix it?
  4. I see because in the new version 1.95 you changed the grid component. I'm talking about 1.90. I checked the versions one by one and it looks like this issue affected the pivotgrid from 1565.
  5. I updated my project with the latest version (1.90.1573). I'm using the TuniDBPivotGrid component. After the uniGUI upgrade I'm getting this error message. Argument out of range Nothing was changed in my code, and everything is fine if I put back version 1563. How can I solve this issue?
  6. I see what you mean. Thank you. I'll check
  7. Hello guys, I have a question and I hope someone has idea how can I solve this. I have an app what I have to use HTML form (checkboxes, editboxes and memoboxes). The user has to type the information into this html-form. I can show this forms in HTMLframe but how can I collect the information from this form? The uniGUI see the htmlcode what I uploaded into the HTMLframe component. Thank you for any help! Regards,
  8. Use Apache/Nginx Reverse-Proxy. It'll automatically solve this kind of issue. Your unigui server can working without SSL for internal communication.
  9. Hello @Wicket I know this function, it's ok. My problem is that, I want to see this forwarded IP in HyperServer console as well. Now I see only the proxy IP.
  10. Hello guys, How can I change the settings in Hyperserver to show the forwardedIP instead of RemoteIP. I'm using Apache reverse proxy and due this I see the IP of ProxyServer only. Inside the uniGUI application I see the IP of remote client in forwarded IP. Thank you for any help!
  11. Thank you for your answer. I'd like to use this sample in your Android app. Project_mobile.zip
  12. Thank you so much your work it's really nice. I'd like to ask that how can I use camera to record a new video. In my app I'm using the UniGUI mobile upload component where I already set the accept ('video') property. The mobile app every time wants to create photo. When I'm testing this function in Chrome browser, it works properly. Thank you for any help!
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