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  1. Hi, I have a TUniHtmlFrame control with the autoSroll property set to True, since I need the vertical scroll (Y) to be displayed. My question is: Is there a solution to always hide the horizontal scroll (X)? Thanks
  2. Hello, with any grid that has vertical scrolling. What happens is that the last column is left with a space equal to the width of the scroll bar I don't know if this is possible, that's why the question
  3. Hi, It would be possible to eliminate this blank space, which apparently is the width of the scroll bar, to make the last column of the grid fill the entire width. Thank you
  4. Thanks, that property is set to true. What happens is that after a while the application does not restart but this message appears in the browser: Invalid session or session Timeout. (Session not found: oeJxtGDQZY10E87E47B )
  5. Hello, sorry but this message is not very clear to me. I need the application to be restored every time the session expires. I have this configured in the server module, but something happens that when the time is much greater than the seesiontimeout parameter (ms) and the user clicks on a link, this error appears in the browser. I've looked at several threads and can't find a solution. In my case I do not need to extend the time (ExtendTimeOut), what I need is that once the session is expired (the expiration time is 30 min), the application is always restarted no matter how much time passes. Thanks
  6. Fixed, I have changed the class structure. Apparently there was a bug in the Linux version. Greetings.
  7. Hello, I am presenting the following problem: I have some CSS classes in the customCSS property of the server module. In a control of type TUniHTMLFrame I try to create some tags of type "div" at run time. What happens is that on Windows everything works fine, but when I deploy the application to Linux, the CSS is not applied. I understand that Linux is a bit different, but the strange thing is that the CSS classes are in the customCSS property of the server module, that's why my doubt. this is the code: with panelComentarios do begin html.Add('<div class="time">'); html.Add( lowercase(fieldbyName('nombre').AsString)+lowercase(fieldbyName('apellido1').AsString) ); html.Add(DateTimeToStr(fieldbyName('fecha').AsDateTime) ); html.Add('</div>'); html.Add('<div class="message">'); html.Add(fieldbyName('descripcion').AsString); html.Add('</div>'); end; Thanks
  8. Thank you for responding, because it is true that it does not work today. ask: Any other ideas on how to send an image through a REST service and convert it in Linux?
  9. Hi, I have the following line of code imagen.Picture.LoadFromStream(AStringStream); The same application on Windows works very well, however when I compile it for Linux as an Apache module the following error occurs: Unsupported stream format In my searches I found this link, but at the time it did not have a response with the possible solution. Thanks
  10. Thanks, but if anyone can help, I'll leave the solution here. For now it is working for me if the site is concatenated before the route. example: <img src="http://mywebsite.com/files/img.svg" style="height: 16px;width: 16px;">
  11. Of course it works fine on Windows, but I need it on Linux.
  12. Sorry, I didn't understand you. do you mean using other controls instead of a TUniLabel?
  13. Good morning. I need to display an image or logo in a TUniLabel control. What would be the correct way to specify the "src" attribute. With the example I attached indicating the path where the image file is physically located, it is not working for me. Thank you
  14. It turned out perfect, greetings and thank you very much
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