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  1. How to change the header font (TITLES) in a dbgrid movile Tks
  2. Hi, I use one uniDBGrid and clientdateset to allow user to enter value in ColA & ColB. The ColC is the result (ColA x ColB). Formula: ColC = ColA * ColB ColA | ColB | ColC 1 1.5 1.5 2 3 6 2 2.5 5 The DBGrid cannot immediately show the result/value of ColC after the value of ColA & ColB is entered. Can I know how to achieve it? Thank You.
  3. I do have a dbgrid and I am trying to add a new row (row editor is enabled). when I detect an error ( my validation happens beforepost) I would like to highlight that cell and move the cursor there. How can I do this?
  4. Hi, I use one clientdataset to link to the DBGrid, but it shows the below message when I press the "Refresh" button in DBnavigator. 1) "cdsDeliverDtl: Must apply updates before refreshing data." 2) "cdsUserCart: Missing data provider or data packet." Anyone knows how to solve it? Thank You.
  5. Hi, How can I setfocus & selectAll in one cell? Thank You.
  6. Hi, Is it possible for dbgrid row editing to hide some edit cells when dbclick on row. Now when i load dataset before showing form I hide first three columns. (some id columns). Then When I dbclick on row it begins showing cells for those hidden columns.
  7. jbo

    DBGrid + filter

    Hello, The columns of the DBGrid do not move when moving from one filter to another via the "Tab" key. How can you refresh the grid without going back to the first column? Thanks.
  8. Hello It would be nice to have more options for filtering DBGrids. For example, for a column of the DBGrid to have 2 UniEdits available for composing the filter (to filter all the values between the values introduced in edits for a numeric field). Something like: Column.Filtering.Editor := uedt1; Column.Filtering.Editor2 := uedt2; Also, I try to set for a column, the Filtering.Editor equal to a TUniDateTimePicker component but it dosen't seem to work. It is possible something like that? Thank you, Daniel
  9. Hello Guys, I'm testing uniGUI Trial version, I would like to know how can I sort each columns of a Desktop UniDbGrid. I tried to follow GridColumnSort demo that is ClientDataSet, but I'm using FireDac. So at MainForm I did: //OnColumnSort event procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1ColumnSort(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean); begin UniMainModule.SortColumn(Column.FieldName, Direction); end; And at MainModule: uses DB, DBClient; procedure TUniMainModule.SortColumn(const FieldName: string; Dir: Boolean); begin if Dir then Main.MainForm.FDQuery1.IndexName := FieldName+'_ASC' else Main.MainForm.FDQuery1.IndexName := FieldName+'_DSC'; end; procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; IndexnameAsc : string; IndexnameDes : string; begin with Main.MainForm.FDQuery1 do begin for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do begin IndexnameAsc := Fields.FieldName+'_ASC'; IndexnameDes := Fields.FieldName+'_DSC'; IndexDefs.Add(IndexnameAsc, Fields.FieldName, []); IndexDefs.Add(IndexnameDes, Fields.FieldName, [ixDescending]); end; end; end; But when I click at column title nothing happens What I miss? Tks
  10. Hi Farshad! Can you include "SpreadSheet" in the framework??! http://www.extjs4spreadsheet.com/spread/10/examples/spread-full http://www.extjs4spreadsheet.com/en/introduction Thank you! Sincerely.
  11. Hi , i would like to drag & drop rows between two grids , here is the code i used , it seems i forgot something , if some one could help me to fix it please //in first grid: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.listeners = { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup', dropGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup' }, listeners: { drop: function(node, data, dropRec, dropPosition) { var dropOn = dropRec ? ' ' + dropPosition + ' ' + dropRec.get('name') : ' on empty view'; } } } } //second grid function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.listeners = { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup', dropGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup' }, listeners: { drop: function(node, data, dropRec, dropPosition) { var dropOn = dropRec ? ' ' + dropPosition + ' ' + dropRec.get('name') : ' on empty view'; } } } } G2G.zip
  12. Hi, I wish to enhance the rendering of my dbgrid : applying some visual formatting without using editor ! Actually the editing options is set to false ! So for instance we deal with national security number and I wish that the shown values in the grid have the following format : '99-99-9999-999-99'. Where 9 stands for any number. I can't use today the StringGrid ! Any other idea ? Thanks Bye.
  13. The checkbox<boolean> field in a DBGrid doesn't not work as expected. There are TWO problems. PROBLEM #1: I would expect that when I click right inside the checkbox, that it will change it's status<from checked to unchecked>. But sadly, this is NOT the case. Example: 1. Load up the sample demo app that has the Grids, 2. Then CLICK INSIDE the checkbox of the "Boolean Field", it's like the 4th or 5th column. Keep clicking it until you see the checkmark CHANGE it's status. 3. NOW move the mouse one row down and click INSIDE the checkbox. You will notice that the checkbox does NOT change status. click it again and it WILL change the status 4. NOT, let's do something a little different. Let's move the mouse down one row and click on the word "true" or "false" that is NEXT to the checkbox. In fact you can click on ANY field in that row. 5. NOW, click inside the checkbox AND IT WILL change it's status. So, what does this mean? It means that until the row has been clicked<selected>, you are NOT able to change the status of the checkbox. That is not intuitive. I would think that if I positioned my mouse inside a checkbox and then clicked it, that the checkbox should CHANGE. I don't know if the problem is with extJS or in the uniGUI code, but I think you will agree that this is not the way that a user would expect it to work. PROBLEM #2: I want to calculate the number of checkboxes that the user checked and then display the total in some label. This ALMOST works. I have trapped several events. OnCellClick, OnCellContextClick, OnMouseUp, OnSetCellValue to no avail. It seems that when the checkmark changes<after I click in in>, my totaling logic is NOT called. BUT, the moment I click on some other field that is NOT a checkbox, then POOF, my totaling logic is called and it displays the correct number of checkmarks. It's as though the clicking of the checkbox does NOT trigger any of these events Am I missing a propery or something? Davie
  14. Hi Is it possible to show cell editor in dbgrid once I start typing text? Currently it only shows cell editor when I double click or hit Enter key. Thanks.
  15. hi file not found <script src="/m/touch-2.4.1/packages/sencha-touch-grid/build/sencha-touch-grid.js"></script> Thanks
  16. hi a dbgrid for the mobile version would be nice thanks
  17. I made a simple screen with 2 DBEdit fields, a DBGrid and DBNavigator pointing to a FDTable. For now usually works all the features, but if Teclo F5 and then with your mouse click on a cell of the DBGrid data simply disappear and the controls are inactive. Can you tell me if this is a bug? Thank you.
  18. Hi suggest dbgrid provide multiselect. Thanks.
  19. Hi again... Another question about dbgrid. I need to change the dbgrid state from server side between edit and select. ¿How can I do it? Thanks a lot. Cheers.
  20. In the dbgrid as I do that, if the user presses Tab, go to a specific column?
  21. Hello!! I observed that when I click on cell of the uniDBGrid to edit, the contente is not selected, the cursor is at the end of the text. How do I come up with the selected text?
  22. Mr. Farshad: 1) Is possible to incorporate a message that appears centered on the dbGrid when is empty? 2) Is possible to draw the empty rows of a dbGrid? Will be usefull because when the session is themed the empty rows are showed with default clBtnFace color and is confuse for the user. Best Regards
  23. Please Farshad! Give the solution ... Thank you!
  24. Hi, I've made a lookup field on a table but when I load it on a unidbgrid, not showing the resultfield but the keyfield. Is there any option that manage this? Thanks in advance
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