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Found 18 results

  1. In the Session List Demo what does the following piece of code do and why is it required when terminating a session: SS.UnBusy; All the online documentation says is: This is UnBusy, a member of class TUniGUISession.
  2. I need help with my application I'm having this error Project1.exe: 000015F8: 11:16:04 []: EUniSessionException: Invalid session or session timeout. (Session not found: 23_VVwFj8bixu1079F49B9): Addr: $ 00767622 the application is over 300 simultaneous accesses, but it is not taking it anymore, what can I do more with the hyperserver to improve?
  3. Можно ли в uniGUI стандартными средствами ограничить количество активных сессий с одного IP адреса? Сборка FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1523
  4. uniGUI DOES SESSION TIMEOUT PROPERLY There is nothing worst than lazy people using your program and keeping it open taking resources (DB access, memory, CPU time) and not paying homage to your wonderful work , hey ? They just leave there paying no attention whatsoever !!! I hate those lazy Btds people ! So, what about a solution to detect idle UI time at browser's side and alerts the user showing the real time left to close the session ? "No problemo, I got you back boy !!!" Seriously, when you have 50-100 concurrent sessions and not planning to expand to Hyper Server, it may cripple yours application performance very deeply and quickly. That's no joke for real developers ! So, kick out the lazy ones doing nothing ! Solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13246378/detecting-user-inactivity-over-a-browser-purely-through-javascript This project is based in the code above and I made some tweaks to work properly and warn the user to put, that lazy bstd, to work again or leave that marvelous piece of code of yours alone. I found a better code some days latter but it don't seams to make any big difference to the JS Snippet used here. I'm planning to a latter update in the users area of unigui.com.br. For now it's what I got working and tested. Instructions 1- Put the MainForm Script in your project. 2- In MainForm OnAjaxRequest past the code provided here. Change the messages and other details. 3- As you can see, there are two Events: one to trigger at a 1 minute idle time (_idle_timeout = no mouse ou keyboard activities) and starts to show the time remaining based in uniServerModule.SessionTimeout, to TimeOut, of course !. And teh other to show the busy mode (_busy). So when the session expires, at least you warned the user before and have a trigger point to save data and close any pending task. You can also flag "work mode" and and "idle mode" showing proper remaining session time. Have fun... and have a good one. Here is a second JS Code Snippet that works better and I will replace later. Stay tuned ! (or clicking...) var IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60; //seconds var _localStorageKey = 'global_countdown_last_reset_timestamp'; var _idleSecondsTimer = null; var _lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var _localStorage = null; AttachEvent(document, 'click', ResetTime); AttachEvent(document, 'mousemove', ResetTime); AttachEvent(document, 'keypress', ResetTime); AttachEvent(window, 'load', ResetTime); try { _localStorage = window.localStorage; } catch (ex) { } _idleSecondsTimer = window.setInterval(CheckIdleTime, 1000); function GetLastResetTimeStamp() { var lastResetTimeStamp = 0; if (_localStorage) { lastResetTimeStamp = parseInt(_localStorage[_localStorageKey], 10); if (isNaN(lastResetTimeStamp) || lastResetTimeStamp < 0) lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); } else { lastResetTimeStamp = _lastResetTimeStamp; } return lastResetTimeStamp; } function SetLastResetTimeStamp(timeStamp) { if (_localStorage) { _localStorage[_localStorageKey] = timeStamp; } else { _lastResetTimeStamp = timeStamp; } } function ResetTime() { SetLastResetTimeStamp((new Date()).getTime()); } function AttachEvent(element, eventName, eventHandler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); return true; } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler); return true; } else { //nothing to do, browser too old or non standard anyway return false; } } function WriteProgress(msg) { var oPanel = document.getElementById("SecondsUntilExpire"); if (oPanel) oPanel.innerHTML = msg; else if (console) console.log(msg); } function CheckIdleTime() { var currentTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var lastResetTimeStamp = GetLastResetTimeStamp(); var secondsDiff = Math.floor((currentTimeStamp - lastResetTimeStamp) / 1000); if (secondsDiff <= 0) { ResetTime(); secondsDiff = 0; } WriteProgress((IDLE_TIMEOUT - secondsDiff) + ""); if (secondsDiff >= IDLE_TIMEOUT) { window.clearInterval(_idleSecondsTimer); ResetTime(); alert("Time expired!"); document.location.href = "logout.html"; } } uniGUI DOES SESSION TIMEOUT PROPERLY.rar
  5. I've spent some time looking for a way to get a list of sessions from the servermodule or mainmodule and can't seem to find anything. I want to be able to see a list of users that are using the app. So, if 10 people are on-line, then I should be able to see all 10 of their session instances. Some kind of instance array. Once I have this, I am hoping that I can issue some sort of "LogOut" method to KILL a specific user. Is this possible? Thanks Davie
  6. I am recording every SessionID, IP and UserName for every user who accesses my website. I have noticed that some users (either due to impatience or hapatic feedback insensitivities) are running multiple browser sessions at the same time and I want to limit them to a maximum of one session at a time - the current one - by automatically closing any previous ones. After fetching previous SessionID and IP used on last access I attempt to close it (release). My code below executes correctly but it appears that the legacy session is not removed after calling ReleaseSession - please advise - thanks in advance. procedure TUniServerModule.KillActiveSession(SessionID, IP: String); var sid: TUniGUISession; ActiveSessions: TUniGUISessions; begin try ActiveSessions:= UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions; sid:= ActiveSessions.GetSession(SessionID, IP); sid.ReleaseSession; except end; end;
  7. Hi What is the right way/place to get a unique session ID of current session ? It is easy and possible to add property with auto generated unique value in TUniGUIMainModule but , do we have something existent and appropriate ? Thanks
  8. Hi To stop sessions keep polling to get fresh data, how can one push messages to different session, is WebSocket is the only way to push messages to sessions? If a query is kept in ServerModule will that query result be shared by all sessions? Regards
  9. Hi, How to avoiding session refresh when user press F5 or <ctrl> + r in the browser? I wanto to save user login information in MainModule but when i refresh browser, session cleared and must login again. Thank.
  10. session watch . ver delphi xe8 win7 pro Thanks. browser login ------------------------------------ after many sec, auto refresh. ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Session List2.zip
  11. Hello, guys, professionals! I don't have a lot experience in web development, so I want to ask simple questions! -What is Session in UniGI? Is that some file on the server like in PHP ? Or is that copy of programm, started on the Server? -How to Use it? Basic, popular examples of using it? I know one - to Add JS UniSession.AddJS('alert(''This is message from JS '')'); Could you explain basic things about session?
  12. Hello people!!! how can I be showing the remaining time of a session an a progressbar in real time. the same method of bank.
  13. how can I avoid not log out if the user is on the login screen? Thanks.
  14. How can I make the session be unlimited ? so user can stay on app as long he wants. Thanks.
  15. Hi Forum! This is the case: A HTML page with ASP define variables, Session variables. code: <html> <% Dim urlname urlName = "localhost:/cgi-bin/mydll.dll" Session("virtualSnipper") = MySnipperFunction(Session.id) %> <head> <title>My Title</title> </head> <body> <iframe name="framei" id="framei" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="98%" src="<%=urlName %>"> </iframe> </body> </html> When mydll.dll (an unigui web application) is called, the session has defined "virtualSnipper" value. Hoy can read that value into my unigui application and where (datamodule, mainform, dpr) ? is it possible?.. Thanks
  16. Hola foro! Necesito pasarle datos a la aplicación unigui. En mi caso es una "isapi". Alguien sabe como pasarle variables de sesión cargadas en HTML, php o ASP, por ejemplo, a la aplicación?. Qué unidades usar y/o en qué eventos? Muchas gracias
  17. I observed that if I click on the close of the browser, the uniGUI does not end the session. The session ends when it exceeds the timeout it. Has anyone had this experience?
  18. Hi! Added a unitimer and verified that the session does not expire anymore. That's a bug or have a way to avoid this, because I need to continue the session expiring even using unitimer. Please can someone confirm if it's a bug or have a means of configuring? Grateful.
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