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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by ZigZig

  1. Imho, the simpliest and easiest way is by using "URL Rewrite" on IIS.
  2. Hi Marcello, Thank you for the link, I just liked it with my LinkedIn profile.
  3. Could you please give us an example of a website that does what you're asking (no matter what technology it is based on)?
  4. Hi Farshad, Thanks a lot, it works fine now! For other users: - Fully uninstall uniGUI - Reinstall uniGUI
  5. Hi Farshad, Same problem here, with a fresh new installation of Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2 on a new computer (without previous installation of uniGUI) : "[dcc32 Fatal Error] uniTools24.dpk(43): F2613 Unit 'uniStrUtils.pas' not found.". It seems that Something is missing in uniDateUtils.pas and/or uniZLibEx.pas. Could you please tell me how to fix it ? Thanks a lot!
  6. ZigZig

    Version 1.0

    I agree with Schuiab and Mohammad: uniGUI works just fine for years!
  7. ZigZig

    browser lang

    You can add a property to your session
  8. But maybe you can get the source of the page (which seems to be pure XML), instead of trying to load its content from a frame.
  9. In the same way: https://forums.iis.net/t/1168200.aspx
  10. Thank you md9projetus, your link is helpful. Unfortunately, this issue doesn't seem to be a bug, but a new spec: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/06/absolute-positioned-children . A workaround could be to put the "absolute" div into a "relative" div, like this : < div style = " position: relative "> < div style = " position: absolute "> < / div > < / div > (source: https://productforums.google.com/d/msg/chrome/ZiS3HctBuZs/rpq5SG-YBAAJ )
  11. It is possible that the default printer of IIS_USR (which is the default user of a web process running in IIS, such as uniGUI) is not defined. Maybe you could define the default printer with a GPO.
  12. I think that the best way to get real friendly URL is by using URL Rewrite: http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite
  13. @md9projetos: Yes, I saw the [ridiculous] die-hard answers from A. Machado to your questions (which where very clear, fair, polite, objective and neutral IMHO). Obviously, this guy doesn't know uniGUI, and doesn't want to know uniGUI...
  14. Of course they forgot ! Just like every year...
  15. Oh no, Farshad, we are not allowed to think that Linux support is pushed into 2017 (see Alexandre Machado's answers to someone else who said that: https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=228747&tstart=0 )
  16. That is just a warning that you can disable: Options->soDisableBrowserCompatibilityMessage = True There is a full list of supported browsers: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.2-classic/guides/supported_browsers.html
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