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  1. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  2. I'm having problems bringing compressed files (.zip) larger than 2 Gb. Are there any problems with the file size or do I have another way to download with unigui?
  3. if you include these same lines in the example pdfviewer the error is the same.
  4. I'm trying without any success to do this with URLFrame1. Returns me an ajax error like below: OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById ("download").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById ("secondaryDownload").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe. contentWindow.document.getElementById ("openFile").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById ("secondaryOpenFile").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document. getElementById ("viewBookmark").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById ("secondaryViewBookmark").style.display = "none";OB4F.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById ("documentProperties ").style.display = "none"; my code is as follows: procedure TppCotacao.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); var lPDFDevice: TppPDFDevice; begin lPDFDevice := TppPDFDevice.Create(nil); try lPDFDevice.PDFSettings := Compras_Cotacao.PDFSettings; lPDFDevice.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); lPDFDevice.Publisher := Compras_Cotacao.Publisher; Compras_Cotacao.PrintToDevices; UniURLFrame1.URL := AUrl; lPDFDevice.FileName := UniServerModule.StartPath + 'files\' + MainModule.UniMainModule._company_code + '\Work\' + MainModule.UniMainModule._Document + '-C' + '.pdf'; Compras_Cotacao.PrintToDevices; MainModule.UniMainModule._sAnexo1 := lPDFDevice.FileName; finally lPDFDevice.Free; end; end; procedure TppCotacao.UniURLFrame1FrameLoaded(Sender: TObject); begin // download button UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("download").style.display = "none"'); UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("secondaryDownload").style.display = "none"'); // open file button UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("openFile").style.display = "none"'); UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("secondaryOpenFile").style.display = "none"'); // view bookmark button UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("viewBookmark").style.display = "none"'); UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("secondaryViewBookmark").style.display = "none"'); // documentProperties UniSession.AddJS (UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.' + 'getElementById ("documentProperties").style.display = "none"'); end;
  5. Good morning. I would need to limit in the uniurlframe some users the possibility of downloading. It would disappear with the download options and also the printing of the context bar or even the whole bar.
  6. Good Morning. I am having the error below. Could you tell me what I should put in the uses please. Undeclared identifier: 'JSInterface'
  7. In a calendar I have several types of events such as prospects and customers (there are more than 20 different types) I would like to identify each one of them in a different color. One question... Is there a limit for calendars? If there isn't one, I can start with several calendars knowing that I can have more than 20 different ones.
  8. This changes the color of the calendar. I would need to change the color for different events on the same calendar. Would?
  9. Good Morning. Is there any way / property to change the color of unicalendar events at runtime?
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