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  1. Past hour
  2. OK. Currently we migrate our uniGUI application with a Professional Edition 1.90.0 build 1568. For upgrading to the last version what is the price ? Can you give us improvements between these 2 versions about distribution sessions in a uniform way among servers ? In fact we can't test with the Stress Test Tool & the lastest trial version because a session duration is limited upto 5 minutes.
  3. OK. In the Ressources column for nodes i understand the meaning of Process but what does Memory mean ? And which is the most important to monitor ? A node is 32-bits uniGUI application (and also the hyper_server used)
  4. Today
  5. Так и должно бьіть, что свойство ModernToolkitModes.Desktop вообще не влияет на внешний вид приложения?
  6. Hello, Can you attach a screenshot indicating what exactly?
  7. Good Night, How can I ? : 1. Remove the edges of a tuniform ? 2. Round the edges of a tuniform ? Thank you
  8. If you can pay close attention to the previous post, you will find that fsBaseLibrary.pas+fsugButton. pas can perfectly solve the problem you mentioned
  9. Yesterday
  10. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand(ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (ARequestInfo.CommandType = hcGET) and (ARequestInfo.URI = '/admin') then begin AResponseInfo.Redirect('/?form=Admin'); Handled := True; end; end;
  11. How could I put lines in this updateRule logic ? Procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''.x-myfield-focus'', ''background-color'', ''#ffcccc'')'); // As ? Add('background-image: none; '); End;
  12. I'm trying to use this way but it doesn't work with dbgrid, I wanted to save the order of the columns, is there any way?
  13. Hello, http://somedomain.com is for end users (no login required, and no login button displayed here) http://somedomain.com/admin is for administrators (login required) Anybody have done this before?
  14. UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''.x-myfield-focus'', ''background-color'', ''#162d3f'')');
  15. Well, I believe you can use variables in CSS, and when logging into the system, set the value for these variables, or use the suggested solution ex: UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''.x-btn-default-small'', ''background-color'', ''#162d3f'')');
  16. Any alternative ? There should be a way to re-inject the delayed customCSS.
  17. Did anyone have a solution?
  18. работает в собьітии UniGUIMainModuleCreate... придется хранить єту настройку в куках 😕
  19. и в документации https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/api/uniGUITypes_TUniModernToolkitMode.html не написано, в какой момент программно правильно устанавливать такие значения
  20. проблема все еще актуальна считьівание настроек происходит после логина, в собьітии UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin if Handled then begin т.е. когда уже известен логин пользователя и можно получить его настройки из базьі
  21. Using Clear clears the canvas, making it black. Setting the brush color only sets the brush color, and does not affect the canvas. To fill a rectangle with the current brush color, use the fillRect function. The lineTo function draws a line with pen.color and pen.width with the current pen.style. E.g.: with UniCanvas1 do begin Clear; Brush.Color:=clWhite; FillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); Pen.width:=2; Pen.Color:=clBlack; MoveTo(X1, Y1); LineTo(X2, Y2); end;
  22. Last week
  23. Hello. I am writing a module for authentication and creation of users of my system, but at this moment i have some concerns that I do not know how to solve: From ServerModule i read the parameters that come in the confirmation URL, example ''. But how do i redirect from the ServerModule to a page that indicates Confirmation successful or not?. What happens if i receive several simultaneous confirmation requests? Regards
  24. Hello @Kattes Also try with top.MainForm..., top.ajaxRequest...
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