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  1. Hello to All, Any Idea on how to change the color of the Buttons UniDBNavigator, when it is Enabled/Disabled Thanks
  2. If I would like to place a Unimbutton (like the X shown here) inside an image, I should create a panel and add the image as background? Does anyone have a practical sniplet of code, maybe someone did it before? And premium additional question - how would you place this images inside an UnimCarousel? I had major problems with scaling and filling the full UnimPage. Thanks for any help!
  3. In this topic , I try to share some css for you . For dear novices I will explain, you have this code in UniServerModule -- > CustomCSS Copy and assign the object to the CLS section in Layoutconfig when designing, or use this command when executing bitbtn1.JSCall('addCls', [' ...... ']); you can do if you like first, this sites can help to build css runtime https://htmlcheatsheet.com/css/
  4. Подскажите пожалуйста, как к кнопке TUnimButton добавить атрибут title? Спасибо.
  5. Hello guys! 01-TuniSFButton 02-TUniSFSweetAlert 03-TUniSFComboBox 04-TUniSFLabel 05-TUniSFiGrowl 06-TUniSFHold 07-TUniSFBadge 08-TUniSFCallout 09-TUniSFreCAPTCHA For more information, purchase and updates go to: UniSF Site Best Regards.
  6. Hi all, With following code changed Form window. I would like to change also Close button color from white to black. Any idea how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance. Marko Delphi 10.3 rio, UniGui: with Fstate.WebForm.JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('afterrender', JSFunction('sender','var me=sender; '+ 'me.header.el.setStyle({"background-color": "silver"}); '+ 'me.header.el.setStyle({"background-image": "none"}); '+ 'me.header.titleCmp.el.setStyle({"color": "black"}); '+ 'me.el.setStyle({"border": "solid 1px silver"}); '+ 'me.el.setStyle({"background-color": "silver"});')); JSConfig('baseCls', ['x-panel']); end;
  7. Hello, how do I change the background color of a button? The TuniSpeedButton component has the Color option, however, the selected color does not. Thank you.
  8. Good afternoon, I would like to change the colors of the buttons of a mobile Upload Dialog as well as the text "browse" (of one button), which seems also to be standardized. Can anyone help me with the CSS and the Delphi Calls, I need? Thanks a lot in advance.
  9. bir global sayi(integer) değişkenim var. Sayi değişince, buton1 ve label1 objelerin renginin, değişmesini istiyorum. sayi=1 olunca kırmızı buton rengi sayi=0 olunca gri buton rengi bu işlem delphi kodları ile nasıl yapılır? bu işlem javascript fonksiyonu ile nasıl yapılır? Version:1.90.0 build 1547 kullanıyorum. Teşekkürler
  10. Hello! How I get the onclick event of a button in a UnimDBListGrid? function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.itemTpl = '<div>'+ '<t>{0} </t>'+ '<button id={1} onclick="DEL_ITEM">X</button>'+ '</div>' } Thanks!
  11. Hello , I have a variable in number format. I have a button and a label object. When my variable is 1, the background color of the button and font color of the label will be green. When my variable is 2, the background color of the button and font color of the label will be red. How can I do these codes in Delphi and Javascript? My Version is 1.90.0 build 1547 TUniSpeedButton *offline1; offline1->Down=true; //not working offline1->Color=(TColor)0x003FEC89; // not working they are very simple things but They do not work properly. Where am I making a mistake? Thanks C.BEKTAS
  12. Hi, I have a large image (250 x 60 pixels) that I want to be displayed an a button without caption. So, I put a TUniButton or a TUniSpeedButton on my form an size the button to the same dimensions. What can I do to avoid that the image is shrunk ?
  13. Hello, how do I set the color of a button, regardless of the theme used? can be "uniButton" or "uniBitBtnButton" Leandro
  14. Добрый день! подскажите как убрать пунктирные линии у кнопок в состоянии фокуса?
  15. Please advise how to ADD / INSERT Button into StatusBar at Runtime - thanks. procedure TMainForm.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); begin if FirstTime = True then begin FirstTime:= False; (* INSERT UniSession.AddJS(UniStatusBar.JSName + '.items.insert '+ '(0, Ext.create '+ ' ( '+ ' "Ext.button.Button", '+ ' { '+ ' text: "Camera", '+ ' id: "_btn1", '+ ' handler: function() '+ ' { '+ ' ajaxRequest('+MainForm.WebForm.JSName+', "_btn_click_", ["btnId="+this.id]) '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' ) '+ '); '); // '+ UniStatusBar.JSName +'.doLayout(); *) // ADD UniSession.AddJS(UniStatusBar.JSName + '.items.add '+ '( '+ ' Ext.create '+ ' ( '+ ' "Ext.button.Button", '+ ' { '+ ' text: "Camera", '+ ' id: "_btn1", '+ ' handler: function() '+ ' { '+ ' ajaxRequest('+MainForm.WebForm.JSName+', "_btn_click_", ["btnId="+this.id]) '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' ) '+ '); '); // '+ UniStatusBar.JSName +'.doLayout(); end; // FirstTime end;
  16. I have a mobile form with IconCls themed button image, how can I replace the image/icon on the themed button using a URL ?
  17. How to make the button will run to open the other form ? config.itemTpl= new Ext.XTemplate ( ' <table style="color:white;vertical-align:left;border-style:outset;border-radius:1px;background:SlateBlue; ">'+ '<tr> '+ '<td width="10px" rowspan="2">{7}</td>'+ '<td >{2}, {6}km away</td> '+ '<td > ({5}) <img src="files/images/star.png" ></td> '+ '<td rowspan="2"> {[this.getColor(values)]} </td>'+ '<td rowspan="2"> <button onclick=this.myFunction()>Profiles</button></td> '+ '</tr> '+ '<tr> <td>{8}</td>'+ '<td>{[this.Setfree(values)]} </td> </tr>'+ '</table>', { getColor: function(values) { if(values[10] == 2) return '<img src="files/images/YellowLight.png">'; else if (values[10] == 3) return '<img src="files/images/BlueLight.png">'; else return '<img src="files/images/RedLight.png">'; } } , { Setfree: function(values) { if(values[9] == 0) return 'Free'; else return '$'+values[9] ; } } , { myFunction: function(){ ajaxRequest(sender,"showdetails",[]); } } ); unimdblistgrid-->onajaxevent : if EventName = 'showdetails' then begin fmWorkerProfile.ShowModal(); end; i can not make it run
  18. I am creating a floating button in a TUnimForm, but I would like it to show results only ... so apply the code without the tabpanel extension, when you focus on showing, but showing yourself on another one ... how to do to adjust this? I used this example found here on the forum to create a button 1. UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: #back-to-top { position: fixed; bottom: 40px; right: 40px; z-index: 9999; width: 32px; height: 32px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background: #f5f5f5; color: #444; cursor: pointer; border: 0; border-radius: 2px; text-decoration: none; transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; opacity: 0; } #back-to-top:hover { background: #af286d; color: white; } #back-to-top.show { opacity: 1; } 2. MainmForm -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> window.painted fn: function window.painted(sender, eOpts) { var me = this; var aTopEl = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('a')); aTopEl.setId("back-to-top"); aTopEl.setHtml("+"); aTopEl.dom.title = "Back to top"; document.body.appendChild(aTopEl.dom); $('#back-to-top').addClass('show'); $('#back-to-top').show(); $('#back-to-top').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //ajaxRequest(me, ...) alert('Your custom logic...') }); }
  19. It's possible change the space between toolbar's buttons? I would like to reduce and put the buttons side by side.
  20. Good evening, does anyone of us have an idea, how I could add a kind of "ActionButton" (like available in the Desktop Edition) to a column of a UnimDBGrid or UnimDBListGrid?
  21. Hello friends, is there any way to use the bootstrap css with unigui buttons? Thank you very much in advance.
  22. Lets say for example I have a button and in ClientEvents>ExtEvents>added: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addCls('b-menu'); } What i want is onClick of the button i want to add this css: .b-menu-over .b-menu{ border-width:0px 0px 0px 7px !important; } I tried: UniSession.AddJS(btnName.JSName + '.btnInnerEl.addCls("b-menu-over");'); but it doesnt change anything. Any workaround? Thanks!
  23. is it possible to change button background color on runtime?
  24. I have a UniHTMLMemo with ShowToolBar set to True. When I click the grow text button the text size increases but it stops increasing at certain point (my guess probably due to a set maximum size). I need to increase the text size beyond the maximum size value. How can I do this? Delphi XE2 UniGUI Complete Professional:
  25. Need to have additional buttons in Edit, SpinEdit etc. Like Triggers in ComboEdit. Is it possible? Thanks.
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