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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Sherzod

    ScrollBox Border

    Ok, one possible solution: UniScrollBox -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender.el; me.setStyle('border-color', 'green'); me.setStyle('border-width', '1px'); me.setStyle('border-style', 'solid'); }
  2. Sherzod

    ScrollBox Border

    Hi, Sorry, can you clarify your question ?!
  3. Hi, Which edition and build are you using ?! Best regards,
  4. Hi, Beta builds of uniGUI with Ext JS 6.5 is already available for subscribers, And we will publish a 6.5 trial soon. Best regards,
  5. Without var: UniSession.AddJS('uniVars.markers = [];');
  6. Hi, Please, explain a little more Best regards,
  7. "Solutions": uniVars.markers; YourObject.markers;
  8. Hi, Can you test everything on a different system?
  9. Hi, http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/handling-concurrency.htm
  10. Hi, You can achieve this by clicking on the title bar in the panel Best regards,
  11. Hi, Maybe to get a partial solution using ClicksToEdit=1 ?
  12. Sherzod


    Hi, How can we reproduce this?
  13. Hi, Can you try this approach ?!: 1. type TExUniDateTimePicker = class(TUniDateTimePicker) end; 2. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var dt: TUniDateTimePicker; begin dt := UniDateTimePicker1; with dt do begin DateFormat:='MM/yyyy'; JSInterface.JSAssign('format', [TExUniDateTimePicker(dt).GetJSFormat(DateFormat)]); JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.setValue('#1'.value);'); end; end;
  14. Ok, can you use an approach as in this post ?: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8024-hamburger-iconcls/&do=findComment&comment=41061
  15. Hello, Please, can you explain a little more what you wanted ?!
  16. Hi, Can you try with "Ext.defer" ?!: UnimScrollBox1.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'; Ext.defer(function(){me.scrollableBehavior.scrollView.getScroller().maxPosition.y = '+ IntToStr(_top) +'}, 500);'); Best regards,
  17. Hello, One possible solution, try this: Enable: UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode('var item='#1'.query("[itemId=_Edit]")[0]; if (item){item.setDisabled(false)};'); Disable: UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode('var item='#1'.query("[itemId=_Edit]")[0]; if (item){item.setDisabled(true)};');
  18. Sherzod

    progress bar

    .x-progress-default { background-color: red; border-color: green; } .x-progress-default .x-progress-bar { background-image: none; background-color: green; }
  19. In your case, can you try to use this approach ?!: var i : Integer; top: Integer; txt: string; _top: Integer; // <----- for i := 0 to Length(aMemo) - 1 do begin ... end; _top := top - UnimScrollBox1.Height + UnimScrollBox1.Top; // <----- UnimScrollBox1.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'; me.scrollableBehavior.scrollView.getScroller().maxPosition.y = '+ IntToStr(_top) +';'); // <-----
  20. Hi Rob, Sorry for delay, I will check and let you know. Best regards,
  21. Hi, Can you try to use this approach for now ?!: //TV2.ShowMask('Loading'); TV2.JSInterface.JSCall('showMask', ['Loading', TV2.JSControl]); Best regards,
  22. Hi, It seems a similar question: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7102-google-maps-with-pin/page-2&do=findComment&comment=36860 Best regards,
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