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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Can you please create a simple test case?
  2. This is in our backlog. We will do this soon.
  3. Hello, You will send data to ecommerce server and you need to say return link (Should be unigui server) OnHttpCommand you will get result and rest of it regular json parse. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14864170/how-to-parse-a-json-array-in-rad-studio
  4. Because you will set it in client side, you must use onAfterShow. After onAfterShow, we are sure elements are rendered.
  5. Can you test this with WebForm, JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet',['#'+WebForm.JSName+'_id .x-css-shadow { box-shadow: none !important;}']); end;
  6. Hello, What theme do you use? Can you create a simple test case?
  7. Onesignal and Google Firebase working same actually. It's depends on you.
  8. Let me create an example.
  9. Difference Between Local Storage, Session Storage And Cookies
  10. Hayri ASLAN

    ceate form.

    Let's say you have TUniForm1 and Main. Add this to TUniForm1 initialization RegisterClass(TUniForm1); Then you can create a form with this code procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var FrC : TUniFormClass; Fr : TUniForm; FClassName : string; begin FClassName := 'TUniForm1'; FrC := TUniFormClass(FindClass(FClassName)); Fr:=FrC.Create(UniApplication); Fr.ShowModal; end;
  11. Hello, Is there any specific reason for using Onesignal? I saw it is expensive? Why you are not using firebase?
  12. Hi Can you create a DBCtrlGrid example? So i can check can we do it with uniGUI.
  13. To set item in local storage JSCallGlobal('localStorage.setItem', ["lastname", "Smith"]); Then you can use it in client side var lastname = localStorage.getItem("lastname"); to remove item JSCallGlobal('localStorage.removeItem', ["lastname"]);
  14. It is our in backlog. We will implement this feature.
  15. Hello Please change MainModule.Title
  16. Merhaba Maalesef Unigui ile bu mümkün değil.
  17. Merhaba Test projesinde bu durumu yaratabiliyor musunuz?
  18. Which component is urgent for you? @Darksky007
  19. Hello Darksky007, We will implement lots of this components to core unigui in uniGUI equinox. Please stay tuned.
  20. Hello, We will implement lots of this components to core unigui in uniGUI equinox.
  21. Hello Let us add this thing to uniGUI, Seems everybody needs this component.
  22. Hi I'm using mxGraph in my projects. Please check it. https://github.com/jgraph/mxgraph
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