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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hayri ASLAN

    UniMap layer

    Hi, Please check uniMap example and customTileLayer property
  2. There is no way to send something to the client-side unless you get an event. You can try to use WebSockets.
  3. To able to update the client-side, you have to get an event from the client. In your case, you are making a change in the server-side but you need to get an event to make these changes in the client-side. Timer is creating an event for you.
  4. Before query you can call showmask and syncronize and end of the query you can call hide mask
  5. Hi, Can you please create a simple test case?
  6. Yes, we are planning to implement this solution to unigui. But it is just a simple export. Don't expect anything complicated.
  7. ExportableGrids will be something like this. https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/1oup
  8. Merhaba, Iframe içindeki bir elemente ulaşabilmeniz için, hem sizin programın, hemde iframe içindeki urlnin ana adresi aynı olmalı. Örneğin sizinki www.deneme.com/app1 ise iframe mutlaka www.deneme.com içinde olmalı
  9. You can't access clients storage system and you can not execute anything for security purposes. There is no temporary file/path on client side which could be found via Javascript. You are sending the file (the binary data) with a HTTP request which will let the server create a temporary file.
  10. We will add a function to get the component from JSName.
  11. Hi, When you open browser hit F12 to open console. Please check UniMap Demo. C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\UniMap
  12. There must be an error on console. Please Check your console. Also you can use UniMAP component.
  13. Bu arada hangi sürümü kullanıyorsunuz?
  14. Merhaba Biz Connectionu mainmodule koymanızı tavsiye ediyoruz. Data nesnelerini isterseniz formun üzerine yada DataModule üzerine koyabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir performans farkı olmayacaktır. Performans için yaptığınız şeyin bir web uygulaması olduğunu unutmamanız lazım. Örneğin Gridi pagesize ile kullanmanız lazım. Çok büyük bir listeyi combobox içine eklememeniz lazım. Sadece gerekli datasetleri açmanız lazım.
  15. Merhaba, Eğer Application Form kullanırsanız unigui sizin yerinize bu işlemleri yapıyor. Klasik form istiyorsanız yeni form yaratırken çıkan dialogda Free Form seçiniz. Böylece create and Free olaylarını siz yönetebilirsiniz.
  16. Hi, You can use UniGUIMainModuleHandleRequest, You can see eventname, objectname etc. procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleHandleRequest(ASession: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); begin if TUniGUISession(ASession).IsAjax then begin // TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.Params end; end;
  17. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniDateTimePicker1, JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('collapse', JSFunction('', 'ajaxRequest('#1', "collapse");')); JSAddListener('expand', JSFunction('', 'ajaxRequest('#1', "expand");')); end; end; Then in OnAjaxRequest of component, capture the events. if EventName ='...' then begin ... := Params.Values['...']; end
  18. Hi You can use expand and collapse events in ExtEvents.
  19. Hi, Please check the below code. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniStringGrid1, JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('celldblclick', JSFunction('sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e', 'ajaxRequest('#1', "celldblclick", {cell:cellIndex});')); end; end;
  20. Hi, You can use FieldImageURL event. This worked for me.
  21. Hayri ASLAN

    GPX Viewer

    What is you external gpx viewer's URI Scheme? like "tel://0123456789"; "geo:0,0?q=your+street+address"; "content://call_log/calls/0"; // must have READ_CONTACTS perm "content://calendar/events"; // must have READ_CALENDAR perm
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