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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hayri ASLAN

    UniMap layer

    If you don't add yandex API key to UniMapKeys we are not including yandex js files to your project. Basicly, when you add api key to uniMapKeys component in servermodule, we will add that library into script files, otherwise we will not add it. You don't need to worry about it.
  2. Hi, "In trail 1520, Is this property Read Only" Which property? Sorunuzu türkçe olarak türkçe forumuna yazabilirseniz daha anlaşılır olur ve size yardımcı olabiiliriz.
  3. This are 2 different question. What do you want to do? Get doubleclick event of title or row editor?
  4. Hi, Can you please create a test case to understand the problem correctly.
  5. No, Hyperserver never move a session from a node to another. If you open web browser, your session will be created in a node and it will stay there until destroy. You can see sessionID starts with 1_ or 2_ it means the node id. As above we are not moving sessions between nodes. As above we are not moving sessions between nodes. you need to install again because hyperserver build number must match with your build number.
  6. Hi, you can create an unipanel, set the layout to table and create uniimages in it.
  7. Hi, I'm working a generic way of custom icons to solve your problem.
  8. Hi Most likely BooleanFieldOnly was true.
  9. Hi, Can you try this? procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniBitBtn1, JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#' + JSId +'.x-btn .x-btn-inner { color: gray !important;}', JSName + '_css1']); JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#' + JSId +'.x-btn-over .x-btn-inner { color: black !important;}', JSName + '_css2']); end; end; And don't forget to destroy them. procedure TMainForm.UniFormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin with UniBitBtn1, JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal( 'Ext.util.CSS.removeStyleSheet',[JSName + '_css1']); JSCallGlobal( 'Ext.util.CSS.removeStyleSheet',[JSName + '_css2']); end; end;
  10. Hello, Sorry, can you please specify which edition of UniGUI are you using?
  11. UniGUIServerModuleServerStartup is a new event for hyperserver. If you are using hyperserver, UniGUIServerModuleServerStartup will execute when your hyperserver application started. UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit will execute when servermodule created.
  12. Merhaba Verilen bu linkte nasıl yapacağınız yazıyor http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/ Kısacası forum kullanıcı adınız ile lisansınızı eşleştiriyoruz ki lisanslı kullanıcı olduğunuzu bilelim.
  13. We fixed issue. You will get the fix with the next build.
  14. Merhaba sadece get post işlemini javascriptte yapın. Parse işlemini serverda yaparsınız. Hangi adresten bilgiyi alıyorsunuz? yardımcı olabilirim javascript tarafında
  15. Hello What do you mean? Did you ask a question?
  16. Serverdan yaptığınız için bu sizin ipniz olur. Client ip di gözüksün istiyorsanız JavaScript ile get post yapıp sonucu aldıktan sonra ajaxrequest ile servera gönderip serverda parse etmelisiniz
  17. Hi Did you install packages? I just install 1520 and everything works fine
  18. We implemented UnimMap. You will get it with the new release.
  19. do you want to use L.NumberedDivIcon or L.BeautifyIcon?
  20. Hi What is leafjet? If you mean leaflet, our unimap component is unigui + leaflet.
  21. Hi, We are using leaflet marker and it doesn't have a label on the marker. If you find a plugin for leaflet, we can check it. https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.6.0.html#marker
  22. Hi, We are using Leaflet.js not googleMap directly. you can call getBounds() in client side and get the southWest and northEast bounds.
  23. Hi, Can you please share your code? Unigui never prevents connections.
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