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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. I use a virtual table. It is filled with all other sources and then I just link a Dbgrid with the virtual table.
  2. source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43068738/get-static-image-from-google-map-for-given-area https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=600x400&markers=icon%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fmapfiles%2Farrow.png|41.39479%2C2.148768&visible=41.320004%2C2.069526|41.469576%2C2.22801&key=yourapikeyhere
  3. Hi, is it thread safe to add a standard Delphi Unit to use database manipulation functions with object from mainmodule? for example: function getInformation(DataSet: TuniQuery): Boolean; begin // do something end; //call it like this if getInformation(MainModule.qryPerson) then // do something
  4. is it correct to use UniMainModule.onDestroy to free memory of mainmodule objects?
  5. procedure delScreenMask() begin unisession.AddJS('document.querySelectorAll("div.x-mask").forEach(e => { if (e.style["background-color"] == "transparent") e.remove()})'); end; frmbuscar.showmodal( procedure(sender: Tcomponent; res: integer) begin delScreenMask(); end );
  6. Hi, I made this procedure and just call it after showmodal in order to remove the screenmask that remains active, but transparent. It works fine, but the browser needs to be upgrated to recent version. procedure delScreenMask() begin unisession.AddJS('document.querySelectorAll("div.x-mask").forEach(e => { if (e.style["background-color"] == "transparent") e.remove()})'); end; frmbuscar.showmodal( procedure(sender: Tcomponent; res: integer) begin delScreenMask(); end );
  7. Never mind I found it in border sample, sorry
  8. I cant use splitter when i set layout in client side. how can achive this? best regards
  9. Can someone tell me why this code generate an exception? I can´t call components stored in unimainmodule. Ttask.run( procedure begin unimainmodule.Query.open; end ); or Ttask.run( procedure begin TThread.Queue(nil, procedure begin uniMainModule.Query.open; end ); end ); Best regards.
  10. Hi Build, the problem is in uniMdbgrid touch, but the sample using client dataset works fine, do I need to configure something else? about test case its kind of difficult because the data.
  11. Hi I am having some issues with unimDBgrid. This are the properties for the grid: Buffered Store{ Enabled: True; LoadingBufferZone: 200; PageSize: 100: } WebOptions{ FetchAll: False; Paged: False; PageSize: 10; } I make a query like this in UniDAc query: Sql.Text := 'select * from nacimiento limit 1000'; The grid keep a mask over dbgrid with loading message (cargando in spanish) I verified the answer for the get transaction and it has100 records, so it worked well, but they never are shown in dbgrid because loading mask never finish
  12. https://mega.nz/#!ISZlSCoR!FOBr_Ix-L209j20n6SNZbnnlnibKkGG1J-5flTJnEq4
  13. Is it possible to integrate cytoscape with UniGui? https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js https://cytoscape.org/ Best regards
  14. Maybe this can help you. resize the webbrowser ejemplo_layout.rar
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