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  1. its my partner tools, we still developed to deciding if this framework suitable to our projcect or not..
  2. yes, could you give some example to declare previous count of rows?
  3. procedure TUniForm1.LoadDatatoStringGrid(ADODB:TADODataSet;StrGrid:TUniStringGrid); var i,j,col,Lin: Integer; Begin StrGrid.RowCount:=ADODB.RecordCount+1; StrGrid.ColCount:=ADODB.FieldCount; For Col := 0 To ADODB.FieldCount-1 Do StrGrid.Cells[Col,0] := ADODB.Fields[Col].FieldName; Lin := 0; While Not ADODB.Eof Do Begin For Col := 0 To ADODB.FieldCount-1 Do StrGrid.Cells[Col,Lin+StrGrid.FixedRows] := ADODB.Fields[Col].AsString; ADODB.Next; Inc(Lin); End; ADODB.close; end; I use this procedure, but if I load data from different Adodataset to stringgrid, it replace previous data ( start from row 1 again) . I want to make it continue the row from the previous data... Version 1.90.1552 delphi rad 10.4 please help..
  4. Hello im new at unigui and delphi, Is it possible for an unistringgrid fill with multi Adodataset? For example Adodataset1 fill row 1-10 on unistringgrid1, Adodataset2 fill row 11-20 on unistringgrid1, Adodataset3 fill row 21-30... and so on.. please help.. Thankyou
  5. version 1.90.1552 with delphi rad 10.4 sydney
  6. How to make the transition to other form more responsive and fast? From main form I use buttonclick to move on uniform1 with "Uniform1.show;", but need 10 sec until uniform 1 appear. ( in form 1 there are some stringgrid and picture on a unipanel ) Please help..
  7. I'm new at unigui, i want to make a dataview dashboard like carousell or vertical slider with dynamic data.. which component should I used? please help
  8. where I can watch related demos?
  9. is that possible version 1.90.1552 do that?
  10. how can I customize color per coloumn in unistringgrid please help
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