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Everything posted by Stemon63

  1. Hi Farshad, I'm looking for a system that calculate a cell with the sum of other cells, at client level (dbgrid) for fast calculation in the record. I have noted that with record.get and record.set I can manage cell content. All ok. But how I can send the update value of a cell to the relative dataset? How to communicate with server and update the record? (I have tried Grid.getStore().sync(), Grid.getStore().commit(), Grid.getStore.commitChanges(), but do not works...) Thanks in advance!
  2. I want to show a dbgrid as a popup when i press F9 in the editor, for an assisted input (incremental search); As a standalone editor all works well; x,y are relative to the editor. When the editor is embedded in a DBgrid, the editor is in a cell; I need to say what is x,y for show the popup (with dbgrid inside) under the editor (like a combobox).
  3. Yes, Sherzod. But I need ExtJs code for extract x,y on keydown (or function key press)
  4. Hi, I need to known how to retrieve absolute position of a active editor in a Dbgrid. The editor is on the hidden panel, is a custom dblookup with a grid in the popup (a panel). When editor is selected, how I can Know absolute x,y (on the screen) for show its popup? Thanks in advance
  5. My Unigui apps are (release) 20-25 mb... good result.
  6. Farshad, please introduce an "ImmediateEditing", as soon as ...
  7. Hi nannoc, 50MB executable for UNIGUI is a big project.... have you forget deveexpress units inside? :-)
  8. A question: why I must use Pagecontrols with tab with unused active forms if you need only one form showed a time? All open forms in tab requires resources in server, or not? Benefit is only non reload the form on need, refreshing only data, but what about server memory and resources, with 50 tabs opened with a lot of components inside? Thx,
  9. Yes, Memory table is the easiest way if you have to manage data on server side...
  10. Hi, Farshad, Other than actual way, I remember you that I need nodes loading on needs, one by one when the previuos have max session connected... So I have only one node on start... Best Job!
  11. HI, for pdf files, anyone have experience about form filler pdf in Unigui? There is a, external javascript component? I am looking for a pdf viewer wiith form filler capability (I need to fill from dataset and capture every field modified form user for realtime calculation)... All for avoid complex Delphi forms using pdf instead.... Thanks in advance! Stefano
  12. +10 Or similar Component for show (AND EDIT) data row by row, with free components position (not columnar....). Best job
  13. Hi, alp.yilmaz can i see you demo online? Now link is wrong.... Thanks
  14. I have one project that have this configuration: All data is on regular DB; but some important data shared between all sessions are in a SQLLite db that is a memory database (readonly) e that is create at startup. It works well :-)
  15. WOW!!!! Even with assisted input? (only valid values are allowed?)... Where is ??????????????? :-)
  16. Hi zemorango, what db and what Delphi engine (Firedac, Unidac, etc...) do you have used?
  17. Hi, this is on my request features list from years... :-) Non only multi column, but with an entire DBgrid in popup... And with assisted input on value found (suggestion on first value found while typing, and with no entry on nonfound values.... for true consistent input value)
  18. Hi Farshad, please add those easy features that make our life better.... :-) 1) When I scroll dbgrid with arrow keys, please show next page if I press down arrow key on the last row of selected grid page, and show previous page if I press up arrow key on the first row.... (waiting for virtual scrolling). The same if I press PgUp and PgDown keys... 2) Please add immediate editor in grid cells, pressing every input key. Now I have to press Enter for start editing. P.s.: I don't want manul coding for those simply features. Please insert few properties. Thanks in advance
  19. Hi Gerardo, I agree with you; I wait also for grid with partial fetch of records (without manual paging) and advanced DBLookup (Farshad now looks up at the sky) :-) The benefits of Unigui for Delphi developers are however remarkable; otherwise you would have to use another language and another development tools to get something decent for the web, and split the Desktop / Mobile development from the web. So we need to insist with Farshad to get a product as close to the VCL as possible in features and also open so that it is "easy" and "flexible". And it does not take much effort. I think it's just problems of better user interface and user interaction (and not of UNIGUI concept), features that a more mature Unigui must have... (even if I understand that porting a rich Devexpress project to web is really difficult). Hi Tokay, thank you for help, but it would be better if there were properties (or methods) directly in the components. It's a question of completeness of rad features, nothing else. Unigui project is unique and fantastic, but are missing small features that make the project difficult to release (especially when we want to add the "desktop plus" approach to the web). Farshad, Best Job :-)
  20. Hi Gerardo, (I write in english, even if we are both italians) I still wait for a lot of "advanced" UI features, and none of them has been realized in the last years... :-( so porting from powerful and complex desktop apps to powerful and complex web apps is always postponed. But I realize that there are so many things to do and the product has really improved. :-) I hope that Farshad stops the development of the logical part for a moment and devotes himself to all our requests concerning the user interface and user input. Sometimes they are small things, but really important for us and our customers. For example: immediate edit in dbgrid cell, without pressing Enter, like VCL dbgrid does. It save a lot ot time in user input in a grid (especially in apps with intensive input). This (and other) little things lock us the intention to distribute the web application instead of the desktop one (yes, i want to distribuite the same apps, for desktop, local network and web). I hope Farshad will make me happy soon... :-)
  21. Hi Farshad, I known that there are a lot of thing to do.... but I cannot port projects to last release because some used event are now missing; I need them for advance control on user input in grids and for manage a custom Advanced Lookup table component (missing in Unigui). Thanks
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