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Stemon63 last won the day on July 25

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  1. "With some modifications"... 🙂 Ok, Sherzod. Please share the source code or the example. I wait for it. Thanks
  2. Using the component as indicated above, and setting remotequery=true and remotefilter=true I get nothing in the popup and clearly in the editor. Am I doing something wrong? What should I return to at this point from the events? (Another quick example is welcome) Thanks
  3. Hi Sherzod, your example works. Thanks! But let's move on. To give a real example, I need to do the lookup on the table of Italian cities (about 10000 records). If I open the list from the button, I have to wait several seconds for the entire list to appear (too long). Only then can I search and it works fine. (This means that a store is created on the client side. Why not make it public and then use it as a component for CRUD, grids and other lookups?) But if I carry out a search WITHOUT first opening the entire list, the component works very badly, not refreshing the searched data. Therefore, on tables with several records, it is necessary to use remote Query. And in this case everything we said above DOES NOT work. Unfortunately we didn't find the solution 🙂 Thanks a lot
  4. One WORKING example I think it's necessary (we are Delphi developers, not ExtJs 🙂 ) Thanks
  5. Wonderful, Sherzod!! But we need to have only one value in the editor, that in the listfieldindex value. And if we can have an Header. Why you don't expand this feature as properties managed by Object inspector? Excellent starting point 🙂
  6. Thanks Farshad, if it is possible it is certainly better. If we can also do this with calculated fields and data validation, we have achieved the goal: an increasingly lighter server and increased operating speed on the client. I know I'm repetitive, but even a totally client dataset would be optimal in this case, I hope in a later phase. It would be used to manage all the DB editors and therefore to create CRUD forms for editing the records for the related data that are in HyperGrid. All without calling the server. (Putting an entire invoice, with the related details, without chatting with the server remains impossible for now, but if Farshad wants...) 🙂 Good Job!
  7. An example of my custom LocalStore and a custom DbLookupCombobox. Very rudimentary, I'm not an EXTJs expert, but this is what I want to achieve as a component for Unigui. But even as grid editor!!! I load the store only once in the form or session, at startup. Lookup.mp4
  8. Well Farshad, I don't think there is a misunderstanding. I was just hoping there was no server call except for data loading and commit/rollback, and be able to manage everything on the client side, including calculations and validation checks. This is the optimal goal to achieve. We got close, I think. As regards the Extjs Data Store, I myself have already created a "Clientstore" to be used as a dataset resident on the client (loaded at the start of the session) which contains all the countries. So my suggestion is to make the DataStore used for Hyper grids public, creating a Unidatastore component, with the definition of the fields, etc. equal to the dataset. The Hyper grids and all the DB components must be connected to this Unidatastore via UNIDatasource (client side) and I am therefore talking about DBtext, DbEdit, etc. This way I get full control of the data on the client side, consulting the server only when loading the data and saving it (which should already work well with the batch). Clearly completely optional and additional to what already exists. The result would be: 1) very light sessions with less in-memory datasets; I can have 1000 sessions instead of 100. 2) Very very fast operation on the client, which does not have to continuously call the server But isn't there an adapter that loads the grid from Json format? DB services via Rest are the best way to remote data and therefore it is essential to have a Json adapter. I can then load the Json array from the service (Get) for my HyperGrid, and send (Post) the Json array that I can create myself from Batch, all without datasets!!!!!
  9. If the goal is to query the server for each insert/delete I don't see where the gain is in terms of traffic. 🙂 So the only advantage is not leaving a dataset open with its requests. Even if I then see adapters with datasets which must therefore remain open during grid operations, right? However, I don't see an adapter for Json file/Stream, which should be the main one, and I don't understand what the UniHyperGridNativeAdapter refers to. Great work for sure, but it needs to be refined to be truly successful (for my needs). For my applications, being able to do crud quickly on the client side is very strategic. (Imagine quickly entering invoices, receipts, and table documents directly into the grid, caching all operations). Now I can only do this with TMS WebCore because it has the client-side dataset connected with all the DB components. I wish I could do it with Unigui, which has its strengths in other aspects. By the way, a LookupCombobox with Hypergrid as a popup? To always use the same store on the client (countries, cities, item codes, etc..) without reloading it every time? Or even better a dataset on the client (store) connected with Hypergrid and above all with the DB components (Dbedit, Dbtext) etc.? Am I asking too much? 🙂 Good Job!
  10. Isn't there a way to do everything on the client, avoiding chatting at every insertion or delete? (I'm not going to leave any dataset open, and then manage the batch directly to generate the SQL statements).
  11. Hi Farshad, "In fact there is a calling "O17.uniInsert(0,{});_sge_(O13,0,0,false);" and "O13.store.remove(O13.selModel.getSelection())". Is this a bug to fix? Thanks
  12. Well, ClientsEvents in not published in object Inspector!! 🙂 Hayri he's right. It works. Renderer in Reconfigure works. But when I edit the resulting field (total column), the original value is showed in the editor. How update that value in the editor? For Farshad: My observation about the batch malfunction in the Hypergrid is incorrect. This is because we observed a call to the server for each insertion and each deletion. In fact there is a calling "O17.uniInsert(0,{});_sge_(O13,0,0,false);" and "O13.store.remove(O13.selModel.getSelection())". This made me think of an error in the batch. Instead I believe that there should be no calls to the server in case of insert/delete operations Thanks
  13. I'll try it right away, as soon as possible. A thousand thanks
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