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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. For now it is impossible to run a Unigui app offline inside Android/iOS ! I'm aware of that Apple don't like App with embed browser and load your site online ! They refuse my apps :-(
  2. Our clients all over the world and we still use Contabo.
  3. mhmda


    What about: Button->ScreenMask In design time
  4. Please see 35:36 The client-side code "focus" event and "readOnly" property that I set to true as initial value.
  5. What about the '+'/'-' signs to expand/collapse row widget? This is how Extjs works (normal behavior), I don't see any problem with one click to expand/collapse rows. If you need to change the '+'/'-' icons OR you want to use DoubleClick to expand/collapse then you have to do it using client-side code (js).
  6. You can't mix 'Height'/'Width' with 'flex'. When layout of parent is 'vbox' and the child has 'flex' set then the child 'height' has no effect ! When layout of parent is 'hbox' and the child has 'flex' set then the child 'width' has no effect !
  7. function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.groupingFeature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping',{ groupHeaderTpl:new Ext.XTemplate('{[this.getGroupTitle(values.rows[0])]}', { getGroupTitle: function(values) { if(values.data[1]=='') return 'My custom title: '+values.data[8];/*<--[8]field index*/ else return 'Other title: '+values.data[2];/*<--[2]field index*/ } }) }); config.features= [config.groupingFeature]; } Grid->Unievents I already explained that in one of my videos :-)
  8. When changing theme you have to reload user session from the beginning
  9. First you have add the Tweenmax in the files/js directory, the files directory created ONLY after running your project at least one time. Second include the Tweenmax js file in the Customfiles in the Servermodule
  10. First of all Thanks goes to Sherzod I learned a lot from him he super master when it comes to client-side code 🙂
  11. Project: Video: In this video tutorial you will learn how build listview with cards + floating action button. you will learn also how to use XTemplate with UniDBListGrid, how to use inline functions to generate customize view for every card based on a roles of your database.
  12. I mean you can build your own Hijri calendar base on start/end dates of specific month that you receive from API service and that's it.
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