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  1. Today
  2. Sorry, you seem to have created a minimal test case, right?
  3. Доброго! Вроде нашел решение данной ошибки (По крайне мере у меня). Как ранее писалось, что ошибка возникает когда некоторые события в таблице наступают, до того как прогрузились данные. Так вот решение у меня такое, принудительно завершить обновление таблицы, после получения данных в событии OnAfterLoad. void __fastcall TGroupFrame::MyGridAfterLoad(TUniCustomDBGrid *Sender) { MyGrid->EndUpdate(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. I need to display a form or frame from a point such as the middle of the page to the bottom. I can't find the change of display position of form or frame in mobile. Regards.
  5. Well, client-side alignment already implies automatic positioning of the component inside the container. Then clarify your case, why do you need to change the height and width?
  6. exactly. What code should be written in this case?
  7. taskkill /f /im $(OUTPUTFILENAME) 2>1 || exit /B 0 start http://localhost:8077
  8. на первом снимке обведена красньім компонента TUnimEdit, как видите, на месте єтой компонентьі видна задняя (нижняя) форма. Использую тему Material. А вот на трех других снимках проблем нет. Там - Neptune, Triton и iOS:
  9. может что-нибудь почерпнете отсюда
  10. Hello, What kind of alignment are you using? Perhaps you are using client alignment and that is why the code is not working.
  11. Indications on how to activate SSL in IIS, very well explained , I provide a link to a video that describes step by step how to activate SSL operation in IIS in ISAPI environments. To send email with SSL it is essential to correctly configure IIS.
  12. Yesterday
  13. Hello I wrote the following code in added event in ExtEvents for Unimpanel, But do not work. function added(sender, container, index, eOpts) { sender.setWidth(Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width); sender.setHeight(Ext.getBody().getViewSize().Height); } Where am I going wrong? Regards.
  14. My biggest school in unigui has always been the mega demo
  15. To get the value of the filter entered, just do the following Columns[I].Filtering.VarValue
  16. Good morning, thank you for your quick reply, even if I don't use the unit compare with program and if I have managed to create the running filters. But at the time of reading the filter value I have not been able to obtain the typed value. I attach the code used, if you can guide me or give me another alternative, greetings from Cali Colombia procedure TFConsultasGenF.UniDBGrid1ColumnFilter(Sender: TUniDBGrid; const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const Value: Variant); var UniDBGridColumn:TUniDBGridColumn; UniEdit:TUniEdit ; ColumnFilter:TUniColumnFilter ; str:string; FieldName:string; xunidbgrid:TUniDBGrid; w_filtername:string; EditComponent: TComponent; begin str:= Value; w_filterName:= 'F_' + Column.FieldName ; EditComponent := Self.FindComponent(w_filterName); if EditComponent is TUniEdit then begin UniEdit := tUniEdit(EditComponent); str:=uniEdit.Text; end; end; // CREATE FILTER CODE procedure TFConsultasGenF.Crear_Filtros2(p_HiddenPanel: TUniHiddenPanel; p_DataSet: TDataSet); {crea tunit con el nombre cada campo del tdataset con prefijo F} begin var i:Integer; var w_uniEdit:TuniEdit ; VAR W_FieldName:string ; UniDBGrid1.Columns.BeginUpdate; for I := 0 to p_DataSet.Fields.Count - 1 do begin w_uniEdit:= TuniEdit.Create(SELF ); w_uniEdit.Name:= 'F_' + p_DataSet.Fields[i].FieldName ; w_uniEdit.Parent:= p_HiddenPanel ; W_FieldName:= p_DataSet.Fields[i].FieldName ; UniDBGrid1.Columns[I].Filtering.Editor:= w_uniEdit; UniDBGrid1.Columns[i].Filtering.Enabled:= True; UniDBGrid1.Columns[i].Filtering.ChangeDelay := 250; // Filtering.Editor := TUniEdit(Self.FindComponent('ed' + lModel.Name.Replace('.', '_'))); // UniDBGrid1.ColumnByName(W_FieldName).Filtering.Editor:= w_uniEdit; // UniDBGrid1.ColumnByName(W_FieldName).Filtering.Enabled:= True; end; UniDBGrid1.Columns.EndUpdate; END;
  17. Good morning, thank you for your quick reply, even if I don't use the unit compare with program and if I have managed to create the running filters. But at the time of reading the filter value I have not been able to obtain the typed value. I attach the code used, if you can guide me or give me another alternative, greetings from Cali Colombia procedure TFConsultasGenF.UniDBGrid1ColumnFilter(Sender: TUniDBGrid; const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const Value: Variant); var UniDBGridColumn:TUniDBGridColumn; UniEdit:TUniEdit ; ColumnFilter:TUniColumnFilter ; str:string; FieldName:string; xunidbgrid:TUniDBGrid; w_filtername:string; EditComponent: TComponent; begin str:= Value; w_filterName:= 'F_' + Column.FieldName ; EditComponent := Self.FindComponent(w_filterName); if EditComponent is TUniEdit then begin UniEdit := tUniEdit(EditComponent); str:=uniEdit.Text; end; end;
  18. Did you ever resolve this issue ? Everytime I upgrade to 1.95 I get this dreaded issue and have to downgrade back to It happens multiple times a day with all users, it's very frustrating. Same code base 2 different UniGUI versions.
  19. It's ok sorted I didn't realise it was an event on the form and you had to set the form to accept.
  20. Hi, Starting to use websockets in UniGUI but the event isn't triggering: Websockets is enabled in ServerModule and MainModule. No Aux ports etc.. In the web browser console it shows as received, but the event is not triggered. procedure TMainForm.UniFormBroadcastMessage(const Sender: TComponent; const Msg: string; const Params: TUniStrings); begin if Msg = 'update' then begin Park1.Caption := Params['text'].AsString; Park1.Color := ConvertHtmlHexToTColor('#19bd3c'); end; if Msg = 'park1Stop' then begin Park1.Caption := 'No Parked Call'; Park1.Color := ConvertHtmlHexToTColor('#19bd3c'); end; end; The demo works but not my app. Any pointers ? Thanks. Dave
  21. Hello, I'm looking for a sample how to implement dragging records in a unidbgrid to a record in unidbtreegrid. I've found some code but the sample itself (project) is not available for download anymore. So i have a grid where i select several records and want to drag then to a record in a unidbtreegrid. Thanks.
  22. Hello, By the way, this seems to be what you need or not?
  23. I may be available too (English speaking, 50 odd years programmer in Australia). Just completed Fully Featured CashBook accounting project among many other legacy projects.
  24. Last week
  25. you are right @Sherzod i know. i need just to know whether the print button on the toolbar was pressed Best Regards,
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