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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Thank you for your contribution!
  2. Hi, Which build are you using, and can you make a simple testcase for this if possible ?!
  3. It's strange that you still use this version, Use the latest version!
  4. Hi, You must re-generate your license key, and reinstall UniGUI
  5. Or, simply by using Font property for this
  6. Or by using fieldCls config for this ?
  7. Maybe you wanted like this?: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.fieldStyle = 'color: black; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;'; }
  8. Hello, Can you make a simple testcase for this and give a "download link" ?
  9. Hi, Sorry, can you explain your issue in more details? Better by making a simple testcase if possible Best regards,
  10. Maybe you need to add this custom CSS... CustomCSS: .x-treelist-item-tool.x-tree-node-icon-blank { display: none; }
  11. How do you "draw Email", what is this element?
  12. Hi, I'm sorry, I don't really understand your request
  13. Hello, How will you show the label in Micro?! Or will you not use this mode?
  14. Hello, What kind of form? Did you create the form as in the picture?
  15. Which edition and build are you using?
  16. Hello, Are you still using a trial edition? Can you explain in more details what you wanted?!
  17. Or something like that: CurrPage = UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo div UniDBGrid1.WebOptions.PageSize + 1
  18. Hello, Have you tried to check the above code ?! It should work
  19. Hi, Can you set all "Default"s to true and try to use above config?! function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.colors = ['yellow', 'red', 'green'] }
  20. Hi, Sorry, сan you make an "image" indicating the problem and how it should be?..
  21. Try this: 1. MainForm -> Script, add this: Ext.form.field.TextArea.prototype.insertAtCursor = function(txt) { var val = this.value, start = this.inputEl.dom.selectionStart, end = this.inputEl.dom.selectionEnd; this.setValue(val.substring(0, start) + txt + val.substring(end)); this.inputEl.dom.selectionStart = this.inputEl.dom.selectionEnd = start + 1; Ext.defer(function() { this.focus(false); }, 10); } 2. Use like this: UniMemo1.JSInterface.JSCall('insertAtCursor', ['test']);
  22. Hello, This post can help you: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7497-tab-spacing-inside-unidbmemo/
  23. Sorry, can you make a simple testcase for this?!
  24. Hi, What components are on the frame? Pay attention to additional JS codes, possibly which are in ClientEvents (beforeInit, afterrender)...
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