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  1. How to change a Background color of selected row in UniDBGrid?
  2. Is that any other way to enable multiselect or not?
  3. Hi, When I try to enable multiselect of uniDBGrid on button click it was not working. Below is code of button click, and attached a Demo as well. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.Options := UniDBGrid1.Options + [dgCheckSelect, dgRowSelect, dgMultiSelect]; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.Options := UniDBGrid1.Options - [dgCheckSelect, dgRowSelect, dgMultiSelect]; end; GridMultiSelect.zip
  4. Thanks Delphi Developer! your solution is working fine but if there is multiple panel below that control then it will not working. Please see the attached demo. Project_preventParentEvent.zip
  5. Please see the attached demo. first edit box showing right popup which it's own popup. I want second edit box and grid need to call parent popup. Project_preventParentEvent.zip
  6. Hi, It is blocked parent's event. It will never called, It have to be called when actually click on parent.
  7. due to this the child control's popup are occurring but when I click on parent then it also not showing parent's popup. It have to show parent's popup when click on parent and child's popup when click on child control
  8. Hi, Panel and control over the panel, both having a OnMouseDown event. When click on panel it works fine but when click on control which is over the panel then it calling two events firstly control's mousedown and then panel's mousedown so I want only one event has to be called. If click on control it should be call control's mousedown not panel's mousedown. How did I prevent parent's mousdown event?
  9. Hi, I have panel in main form when I click in the region of panel at position I need to open the popupmenu but it open at different position not that current position. procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var pt: TPoint; begin pt := Mouse.CursorPos; pt := ScreenToClient(pt); if Button = mbLeft then begin UniPopupMenu1.Popup(pt.x, pt.y); end; end;
  10. procedure TMainForm.SelectALLClick(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().selectAll();'); ShowMessage(inttostr(UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count)); end; procedure TMainForm.UnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().deselectAll()'); ShowMessage(inttostr(UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count)); end; In my case it not showing proper count of the selected records. If I select 2 record and then click on SelectALL it gives me count is 2 after that if I click on UnSelectAll it gives me total count and again If I click on SelectALL it gives me count 0. I am not sure what I missing.
  11. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().selectAll'); ShowMessage(IntToStr(UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count)); end; After clicking on button it will not showing the count of all rows and not selecting all records. Is that need anything else to call that JS?
  12. Hi, I want to select all rows and deselect all rows on one button click, Is that any property is exist for TUniDBGrid or not for do this? or need to write code manually selecting all rows and deselecting all rows?
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