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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  2. Hello, Please, can you explain in more details, I couldn't reproduce ?! You can also post on ActiveReports if you think that this a bug. But please always specify the build, the browser you are using, make a testcase or steps to reproduce. I know that a testcase may not replace your working project, but it will help us understand the problem better. Thank you
  3. Hello, You can use ClientEvents for this, for example: UniDBTreeGrid -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function cellclick: function cellclick(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) { //need to use "rowIndex" }
  4. Hi, You can try to use this approach: 1. Uses ... UniGUIJSUtils; 2. For example: with UniHTMLMemo1 do JSInterface.JSAddListener('initialize', 'function(editor){'+ 'const bodyArea = editor.getEditorBody();'+ 'bodyArea.style["background-color"] = "'+ uniColor2Web(Color) +'"}' );
  5. Hi, It is available from build: But, better if you will upgrade to the latest version and build
  6. Может этот пост поможет Вам: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/11830-контекстное-меню-выходит-за-границы-скрина/
  7. Вы используете MainForm -> AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentClient
  8. Добрый день, Можете прикрепить тестовый случай?!
  9. Hi, If possible, can you make a simple app in VCL? We will try to analyze and check whether it is possible to do this on UniGUI.
  10. Hello, Have you tried to use this solution for now?:
  11. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  12. Ok sorry we will try to find another solution
  13. How many columns are in the grid? Have you tried to get the execution time of a query outside of UniGUI?
  14. Is the question still relevant? I forgot to attach the solution procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('boxready', 'function(me){if (me.dd) {me.dd.startDrag = function(){'+ UniDBHTMLMemo1.JSName +'.bodyEl.setStyle("pointer-events", "none")}}}' ); end; procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1EndDrag(Sender: TUniControl; Left, Top: Integer); begin UniDBHTMLMemo1.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.bodyEl.setStyle("pointer-events", "auto");'); end;
  15. Ok, sorry, Can you try use like this?: Uses ... ServerModule; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniServerModule.CustomCSS.Add( //<------------ // cor interna da treeview '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view{'+ ' background-color: #2f353f;'+ '}'+ '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-grid-cell-inner-treecolumn{'+ ' background-color: #2f353f;'+ ' color: #767f8e;'+ ' font: normal 0.8vw "Roboto", sans-serif;'+ ' height: 40px; ' + ' padding-top: 10px;'+ '}'+ // Config da linha selecionada '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell-inner-treecolumn {'+ ' background-color: #212529;'+ ' color: #ffffff;'+ ' font: normal 0.8vw "Roboto", sans-serif;'+ ' border-Left: 3px solid #6e8cd7;'+ '}' + // Config ao passar o mouse em cima da linha '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-grid-row-over .x-grid-cell-inner-treecolumn {'+ ' background-color: #212529;'+ ' color: #ffffff;'+ ' font: normal 0.8vw "Roboto", sans-serif;'+ ' border-Left: 3px solid #6e8cd7;'+ ' margin: 2px #2f353f; '+ '}' // // Altera imagem que expand o menu // '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-tree-lines .x-grid-tree-node-expanded .x-tree-elbow-plus {'+ // ' background-image: url(images/elbow-minus.png);'+ // '}'+ // // // Altera imagem que expand o menu // '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-grid-cell-inner-treecolumn {'+ // // '}' ); end;
  16. Material theme is for mobile only
  17. Do you have a similar example on VCL or in the Internet?
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