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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Which edition? Are you using a trial edition?
  2. Hello, Can you try this approach..? procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); //use "OnClick", "OnReady" events... begin with UniChart1 do JSInterface.JSCall('chart.getSeries()[0].setHidden', [True]); //False end;
  3. Hello, Sorry for the late reply. Try this: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniHTMLMemo1 do JSInterface.JSAddListener('initialize', 'function(editor){'+ ' const bodyArea = editor.getEditorBody();'+ ' bodyArea.style["border"] = "1px solid";'+ ' bodyArea.style["border-radius"] = "4px";'+ ' bodyArea.style["padding"] = "12px 10px";'+ ' bodyArea.style["line-height"] = "2";'+ '}' ); end;
  4. Hi, Can you please make a testcase for reproduce? Thanks
  5. Please use conditions.... if EventName ='...' then begin ... := Params.Values['...']; end
  6. Sorry, it’s not very clear to me what you are asking. Please make a simple testcase by specifying what should work and how?
  7. Sorry, how should I check this? Give a sequence of actions.
  8. Merhaba, Which build are you using? Can you make a simple tescase for this?
  9. Try this for now: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniMemo1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){this.inputEl.setStyle("overflow", "hidden")}'); end;
  10. This is normal behavior for the display of whitespaces is to compress them into a single one, which is then displayed. There are two exceptions from that: 1. Using <pre> tag: UniLabel1 -> TextConversion = txtHTML UniLabel1 -> <pre>Caption = abc 123</pre> 2. Using CSS: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniLabel1.JSInterface.JSConfig('style', ['white-space: pre']); end; UniLabel1 -> TextConversion = txtRegular UniLabel1 -> Caption = abc 123
  11. Can you try this approach? procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniMemo1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){this.inputEl.setStyle("line-height", this.inputEl.getStyle("font-size"))}'); end;
  12. Sorry for the late reply. I’m thinking about another possible case. What if you will change the value of the "VALUE" field, what will happen to fields 2, 3?
  13. Hi, What component are you using for this?
  14. Sherzod

    TUniGrid focus

    Hi, It seems to me that you are not using the MonitoredKeys property of SingleForm.
  15. Please explain in more detail. Make a simple testcase by indicating where the problem occurs.
  16. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6651-unidbhtmlmemo1-font/
  17. Hi, Have you tried searching the forum?
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