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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.arrowAlign = 'bottom'; config.menu = [ { text: 'Item 1', xtype: 'menucheckitem', iconCls: 'x-fa fa-home', checkHandler: function() {alert(this.getChecked())} }, //hideOnClick: false/true { text: 'Item 2' }, { text: 'Item 3' }, { text: 'Item 4' } ] }
  2. Using custom JS code I guess. Using xTemplate, CustomCSS...
  3. Hello, While other applications continue to work correctly?
  4. config.menu = [ { text: 'Item 1', iconCls: 'x-fa fa-home', handler: function() {alert('click')} }, { text: 'Item 2' }, { text: 'Item 3' }, { text: 'Item 4' } ]
  5. UnimButton -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.arrowAlign = 'bottom'; config.menu = [ { text: 'Item 1' }, { text: 'Item 2' }, { text: 'Item 3' }, { text: 'Item 4' } ]; }
  6. I will check this for the UniDateTimePicker.
  7. I think you can simple use combobox for this purpose...
  8. Hello, UniDateTimePicker -> Kind = tUniTime ?
  9. Я думаю, Вам следует создать компонент, унаследованный от TUnimSelect и добавить такую возможность... 1. Использовать событие blur для отправки введенного значения на сервер. 2. Добавить OnAjaxEvent событие или JSAddEvent... 3. Проверить, есть ли введенное значение в Items, если нет, то добавить и выбрать...
  10. Incorrectly assigned the class name... Should be: AmBitBtn.JSInterface.JSConfig('cls', ['custom64Glyph']);
  11. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    Ok sorry, we will check.
  12. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    But in the code are assigned ImageIndex. You need "remove" them too.
  13. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    Don't use ImageIndex unless you assign Images.
  14. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    I couldn't reproduce. Can you please make a simple testcase?
  15. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    Are you using Node.ImageIndex?
  16. Hi, Thank you. Try this approach: function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { columns[0].renderer = function(v) { if (v) { var jd = Ext.Date.convertToJalali(v); return jd.jalaliYear + '/' + Ext.String.leftPad(jd.jalaliMonth + 1, 2, '0') + '/' + Ext.String.leftPad(jd.jalaliDate, 2, '0'); } }; }
  17. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    Hi, UniGUI build?
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