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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. it occur while debugging but i am not always on delphi. for example, the last time i had the problem, i just launch the app in debug mode from delphi without breakpoint -> i'm working on css with firefox -> i return to delphi on my VM ->delphi hang. Some times, when i do Ctrl+F2 when i had a hang -> delphi unhang and give me the hand but on next launch, i have the error message with wocket in used.
  2. hello, i have update unigui from 1422 (extjs 4.2) to 1471 (Etxjs6.5) on my delphi XE7 (windows 8.1 in virtual computer) Since this upgrade i often have my delphi that hang/freeze/do not answer when i am in debug. if i'm waiting many minutes or if i taskkill my unigui executable, delphi give me the hand but if i launch again my project, i have the mesage "Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use" i'm using tcpview from sysinternals, netstat -ano but the port is not in used. the only solution is to used an other port or rebbot my computer. does someone meet the same problem ? is there an update of indy packaged in unigui ? How can i close this ghost socket port used ?
  3. What is the major diff between this 2 theme ? why triton or triton.modified is better of the other ?
  4. I would like to show the different themes to people who are not on the unigui forum. Have you got a website , an url where we can see all theme , like your themeviewer app but accessible on internet ?
  5. try with .ColorTitle .x-panel-header-title-default { font-size: 18px; }
  6. it is better ,now i don't have any error message buti have a new problem. i try to get the list of selected row with the method that i use for grid : //TGLots : TDBUnitreegrid; //dsLotsRO : datasource that is linked with the treegrid dsLotsRO.DisableControls; try for I := 0 to TGLots.SelectedRows.Count - 1 do begin dsLotsRO.Bookmark := TGLots.SelectedRows[I]; aLstLot.Add(dsLotsRO.fieldByName('LRO_ID').asstring); end; finally dsLotsRO.EnableControls; end; but SelectedRows.Count is always with 0. i try to work with onselectionchange but the event is not fire. How can i do ?
  7. there is the column with selection checkbox but just after display the form i have this error message " Could not set cell position: row: [0], column:[1] .view is undefined "
  8. Hello, is it possible to activate row select with unidbtreegrid like one of the solution that are in fiddle in this page https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?299616-Tree-Grid-using-Checkbox-Model ps : i am using the version with extjs 4
  9. if you control the website of the frame, there is a solution. else ,for security raison i think you can't get this html
  10. And if we control the both webserver that are on two domain (one for unigui app and the other for the page in iframe), is it possible ? could we configure server or app for having this possibility ? i try adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * in the header but without success. but maybe i don't do it with the good method.
  11. i think Didier would like to have a method for sending the html source code of a page that is loaded in a UniUrlFrame to the App unigui. for example, open the sample of unigui desktop "URLFrame" , launch the app, navigate to an adress in the app -> how to recover the html source code that is contained in the uniUrlFrame1 ? and how send it to the main app ?
  12. have you update the unigui runtime on the server when you deploy your app after update to 1423 ?
  13. i am not in dev team but i could say you that Extjs 6.5 is actually in beta version for register user
  14. Thanks, it is not exactly what i need but i think i could have a solution with this
  15. example : i have my main app with an interface. i click on a button. in normal app, when i click on this button it is open a new form on same browser window. i would like to know if it is possible that this new form could be open in a new browser window or tab. If yes : when i close this new window could i have a callback method that was call var aNewForm : TFormUniGui; begin aNewForm := TFormUniGui.Create(UniApplication); aNewForm.ShowModal( // i would like that this form was opened on a new browser window/tab procedure (Sender: TComponent; AResult:Integer) begin showmessage('window/tab is closed'); end);
  16. I want open a form in a new tab/window and work with this like if i open it in the main tab ? is it posible ? how ?
  17. Hello, Actually i'm working with delphi XE7 and the last version of unigui that works with extjs 4.2.5 Its is my environnement that i use for my software that is deployed in production and i want keep this for the moment I 'm currently install delphi XE 10.2.2 and i would like install in this version of delphi the last version of unigui that works with extjs 6.5. It is possible to do this on same computer ? how can ido this without uninstall the version of unigui for delphi XE7
  18. mySecondAppUrl := 'http://www.domain.com/prog2.dll'; UniSession.AddJS('window.open("' + mySecondAppUrl +'")');
  19. Marlon, Could you share a little sample project for Androidstudio and xcode for explain the method. Have you got implemented communication between website unigui and his app parent ? Have you got authentification ? if yes , what do you use for save account info ? cookies ? save by the app , how?other
  20. When the test is not valid, there is a round red with a message on over. is there a simple way to display a green check when the test is valid ?
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